3 Energy Healing Techniques to Naturally Improve Your Wellbeing

#Alternative medicine

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3 Energy Healing Techniques to Naturally Improve Your Wellbeing



3 Energy Healing Techniques to Naturally Improve Your Wellbeing

Published on June 6th 2024

Table of Contents


. Unveiling the Power of Chakras Energy Meditation


. Step-by-Step Guide for Chakra Energy Meditation


. Preparation


. Meditation


. Root Chakra (Muladhara)


. Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)


. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)


. Heart Chakra (Anahata)


. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)


. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)


. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)


. Integration


. Integrating spiritual healing techniques as part of a stability plan


. Description of popular spiritual healing practices


. Tapping the Power of Meditation into Energy Healing


. Step-by-step guide


. Conclusion

In the present era, the need for holistic healing approaches is growing as people seek balance and inner peace to heal themselves in the face of the rapid progress and stress of the modern world. Energy modalities based on the body's natural energy systems have become highly prominent adjunctive approaches to conventional treatment.

The blog deals with three of the most effective energy healing techniques to revitalize your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Through observation, we learn that such practices serve not only as practices but also as the key to personal development, healing, and transformation.

Let's set our foundation first by exploring ancient chakra meditation techniques.

Unveiling the Power of Chakras Energy Meditation

Chakras are synonymous with energetic centers in the body that directly impact and correlate with existence's physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Chakra meditation, energy healing is a long-lost treatment known since ancient times. It has immense power in balancing and aligning the energy centers, bringing about overall harmony and vitality.

"Chakra balancing should not be ignored as it is directly related to one’s health and wellness," she adds, (a notable energy healer). "The blocked or unbalanced chakras can result in physical difficulties, emotional instability, or spiritual alienation."

Step-by-Step Guide for Chakra Energy Meditation


Find a comfortable position. Sit upright on a chair with your feet flat on the floor, or kneel on a cushion. The goal is to keep your spine relatively straight but comfortable.

Set the mood: Find a quiet, distraction-free space. You can dim the lights or light some candles for a more calming atmosphere.


Begin with deep breaths: Take a few slow, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Focus on calming your body and mind, allowing yourself to become fully present. You can close your eyes or softly gaze downward.

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

LocationThe base of your spine, between the genitals and perineum.
InhaleVisualize a grounding red light filling this area. Imagine a current of rejuvenating energy flowing down from the earth, stabilizing and strengthening you.
ExhaleRelease any anxieties, fears, or feelings of instability.

Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)

LocationLower abdomen, just below your navel.
InhaleVisualize a warm orange light filling this area. Focus on embracing your creativity, sensuality, and zest for life.
ExhaleRelease any blockages related to pleasure, relationships, or emotions.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

LocationUpper abdomen, just below your diaphragm
InhaleVisualize a bright yellow light filling this area. Focus on cultivating personal power, confidence, and self-esteem.
ExhaleRelease any doubts, pessimism, or limiting beliefs holding you back.

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

LocationCenter of your chest
InhaleVisualize a gentle green light filling this area. Focus on opening your heart to love, compassion, and forgiveness for yourself and others.
ExhaleRelease any anger, resentment, or grief you may be holding onto.

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

LocationThe base of your throat
ColorLight Blue
InhaleVisualize a cool blue light filling this area. Focus on clear communication and expressing your truth with confidence.
ExhaleRelease any doubts or fears that may be hindering your self-expression.

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

LocationBrow point, between your eyebrows
ColorIndigo or Deep Blue
InhaleVisualize a deep blue light filling this area. Focus on enhancing your intuition, wisdom, and spiritual connection.
ExhaleRelease any limiting beliefs or illusions that may be clouding your perception.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

LocationTop of your head
ColorViolet or White
InhaleVisualize a brilliant white or violet light filling this area. Focus on connecting with your higher self and universal consciousness.
ExhaleRelease any attachment to the material world and open yourself to spiritual understanding.

(Optional) using Bija Aksharas or mantras to align your chakras: You can incorporate chakra-specific mantras or affirmations during each stage to deepen your meditation. A bija mantra is a single-syllable sound that can be used in meditation to cultivate health, vitality, and inspiration. In Sanskrit, “bija” translates to “seed.” So when you practice meditation using bija mantras, it is like watering the seeds of your highest purpose to bring mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual balance—and to create harmony with your environment.


Rest and Reflect: After completing the chakra visualizations, sit quietly for a few minutes, allowing the energy to settle. Observe any thoughts or feelings that may arise without judgment.

Gently Come Back: Slowly open your eyes and take a few moments to reorient yourself to your surroundings.

Integrating spiritual healing techniques as part of a stability plan

Spiritual healing practices sprout from the belief in spiritual energy-based beings. When we work with our life force energy, we can heal illnesses, restore harmony, and promote overall well-being. These holistic healing techniques seek to clear blockages, reestablish energy flow, and achieve a harmonic balance of mind, body, and spirit.

"Energy healing does not just cure the symptoms of a disease but resolves the actual reason for the disorder on a fundamental and spiritual level," says Sarah Williams, a trendy Reiki master.

At the core of these sessions lies a universal life force that is naturally channeled as the body rests in a state of deep relaxation. In this state, ? clients can connect and harness the capacity for progress and change."

  • Reiki: is a Japanese form of health therapy that engages the energy to live in the universe, coming through the practitioner's hands and directed towards healing both physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects.
  • Pranic Healing: Healing is an Indian or Bhujalayan practice that purifies and energizes the body's energy centers, chakras, and nadis.
  • Qigong: A Chinese posture that, combined with breathing mechanisms and meditational approaches, cultivates and channels life energy (Qi) inside the body.
  • Shamanic Healing: From the native cultures, this ceremony entails a psycho-spiritual relationship with the spirit guides, the power animals, and nature, mainly intended to foster healing and spiritual growth. In shamanic practices, soul retrieval, energy extraction, and journeying are likely to be seen.
  • Theta Healing: This technique works by entering the brainwave state and creating conscious contact with the subconscious mind, which enables altering the limiting beliefs or energy patterns that may be the causes of physical, emotional, or spiritual symptomologies.
  • Crystal Healing: This involves using different crystals and gemstones, each assigned its own vibrational frequency, to bring healing to the body's energy fields. Clearing all of the bad energy that has found its way into one's bodies is the goal of crystal therapy, which entails putting valuable stones on and around a person.
  • Sound healing: is the specific application of every sound frequency, including those generated from different instruments such as singing bowls, tuning forks, or chanting, to tranquility, lowering stress, and re-balancing energy inside the body.
  • Electro-Magnetic Field (EMF) Balance Technique: This technique involves applying certain finger positions and creating awareness to uphold and balance the body’s electromagnetic field, which can get out of balance due to stress, illness, or environmental issues.

A review study by the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine examined various studies to understand the outcomes of spiritual healing practices. The research supports the fact that these procedures may prove to be highly effective in reducing pain, anxiety, and depression and improving the overall quality of life of people suffering from any health condition.

Tapping the Power of Meditation into Energy Healing

Meditation is an adaptable, powerful agent of energy healing as it keeps you from letting go, increases awareness, and connects with the inner power sources automatically. By attaining a deeply relaxed and highly focused state, we can be more skilled in releasing and balancing jammed energy blockages while replenishing life vitality.

"Meditation is the door into one's self-discovery power," Dr. Deepak Chopra, a famous meditation specialist, once said. "In meditation, we get in touch with our boundless energy source, and that way, our minds and bodies unite to get the power to redefine ourselves at all levels: physical, emotional, and spiritual."

Step-by-step guide

  • First, get into the most comfortable sitting position that you can. Develop your focus on taking slow yet deep breaths.
  • Imagine a wonderful, healing-bringing light gently permeating your crown as you breathe in.
  • With each outward breath, light travels through your body, dissolving everything that stands in your way as strains, blockages, or stagnation.
  • Direct the healing light to the specific areas that are calling out for help, with the intention that anything that needs balance and wholeness will receive this energy.
  • Maintain this exercise for 10–20 minutes to ensure the body has time to experience the healing energy thoroughly.

A recent study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine discovered that participants who took energy-healing meditation had big falls in fatigue, pain level, and anxiety. There was better than average vitality and well-being.


Incorporating energy healing practices like chakra meditation, spiritual healing rituals, and mindfulness meditation can act as mighty pillars to finally reach the ideal of holistic wellness.

By activating these same intrinsic energy systems, practicing more mindfulness, and imposing a sense of balance and harmony, we can achieve extraordinary health and wellness in our body, mind, and spirit.

Although such practices might appear unusual, the growing volume of research and numerous personal stories have assured us that they do have benefits. Be it curing particular diseases or pushing yourself to greater levels of health, these are the sorts of benefits that can arise through the exploration of energy healing modalities on a personal level.

Embrace these ancient wisdom practices with an open mind and heart, and let the natural flow of energy push you to a state of peace and harmony.


Reviewed by

Dr. Rajashri Sonti

Ayurveda Physician 





