Natural Remedies: Alternative Medicine Approaches to Managing Anxiety

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Natural Remedies: Alternative Medicine Approaches to Managing Anxiety



Natural Remedies: Alternative Medicine Approaches to Managing Anxiety

Published on July 18th 2024

Table of Contents


. Natural Alternatives to Anxiety Medications


. Mind-body Techniques for Anxiety Management


. Alternatives to Anxiety Medicine


. Lifestyle Changes for Anxiety Relief


. Other Lifestyle Modifications as Alternatives for Depression and Anxiety


. Integrating Natural Remedies with Conventional Treatment


. Guidelines for safe integration


. Potential interactions and contraindications


. Conclusion

Anxiety disorders are often known as one of the most rampant mental health problems that millions of people around the world suffer from. Although prescription medications can be effective in treating short-term symptoms, they frequently have unwanted side effects, like addiction. The blog is aimed at discovering natural remedies and other medical methods that can be used as alternative ways to control anxiety safely and positively.

Natural Alternatives to Anxiety Medications

Chamomile: This daisy-like herb is rich in apigenin, an antioxidant that can bind with receptors in the brain to facilitate relaxation (Keefe et al., 2016). Researchers have demonstrated that chamomile can help relieve anxiety disorder symptoms (Amsterdam et al., 2009). It is undoubtedly one of the best alternative medicines for anxiety.

Lavender: Lavender, with its relaxing aroma, is anxiolytic because it helps regulate GABA levels in the brain (Koulivand et al., 2013). Studies have confirmed that lavender essential oil inhalation reduces anxiety levels (Donelli et al., 2019).

Valerian Root: Valerian root is a putative medication containing valerenic acid and compounds that interact with GABA. Hence, it acts as a natural sedative and can lower anxiety symptoms (Benke et al., 2009; Mirabi et al., 2018). Nevertheless, it can interact with certain medications.

Passionflower: In fact, this plant is the weirdest one. It is made up of flavonoid compounds, which bind to the receptors of GABA and cause calming effects. A book published in the writingJournal oonical Pharmacy and Therapeutics alleged that Passionflower efficiently treated anxiety symptoms (Aslanargun et al., 2012).

Lemon Balm: Enriched with anxiolytic components (e.g., rosmarinic acid), lemon balm has a long-standing usage history for alleviating stress and anxiety. An experiment with a double-blind setup in Nutrients magazine (Scholey et al., 2014) showed less anxiety and tranquility after lemon balm supplementation.

Mind-body Techniques for Anxiety Management

Meditation: mindfulness meditation, focused-attention meditation, and body scans are different entities that can assist in finding relief from anxiety. Science tells us that meditation causes both long-term structural and short-term functional changes in areas of the brain that scholars, for a long time, would relate to anxiety, including the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex (Gotink et al., 2016).

In the Journal of Alema Internal Medicine, the authors of a meta-analysis (Goyal et al., 2014) pointed out that meditation can reduce anxiety-related symptoms.

Yoga: The practice from ancient times blends body forms, controlled breathing steps, and mental peace. Specific yoga poses such as child's pose, forward bends, and lying down with legs up the wall activate the parasympathetic nervous system and thus lead to relaxation and relief. Parallel breathwork exercises like alternate nostril and belly breathing can also cope with anxiety (Woodyard, 2011).

Aromatherapy: Essential oils such as lavender, bergamot, and chamomile have long been used to treat anxiety. At the same time, they help control nervous excitability, thus improving patients' moods. Lavender oil has the most documented adequacy of modulating transmitters and hence reducing anxiety symptoms, as detailed in the study findings by Koulivand and his fellows (Koulivand et al., 2013).

Concerning phytotherapy research, a review study by Chang and Shen (2011) evidently found that aromatherapy massage with essential oils could effectively resolve the problems of anxiety.

Alternatives to Anxiety Medicine

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
    Essential fatty acids, such as those found in fish, are polyunsaturated fats that offer anti-inflammatory properties that can restore normal metabolism in the brains of Alzheimer’s disease patients. In JAMA Network Open, the meta-analysis (Yang et al., 2022) showed a statistically significant reduction in anxiety symptoms in people who received omega-3 supplements compared to the placebo group. Another possible effect of omega-3s is to augment the benefits of anxiolytic drugs (Bozzatello et al., 2022).

  • Probiotics:
    The gut-brain axis is fundamental here, a bidirectional channel for the reciprocal connection between the gut microbiome and the central nervous system. The latest scientific data argues that a type of good bacteria, known as probiotics, can be linked to brain activity and behaviour, including anxiety.

A systematic review and meta-analysis published in BMJ Nutrition Prevention & Health (Huang et al., 2021) revealed that individuals with clinical anxiety disorders are experiencing a reduction in anxiety symptoms. Generally, probiotic supplementation is the primary source of this effect.

  • Adaptogens:
    The naturally occurring substances get their source from herbs and roots. They assist the body when it needs to deal with stress and maintain balanced function.
    Ashwagandha, one of the most well-known adaptogens, has been proven in certain studies (Lopresti et al., 2019) to be an effective cortisol reducer and an agent that eliminates anxious symptoms.

Rhodiola rosea, another notable adaptogen plant, has also been shown to eliminate anxiety due to stress and increase overall well-being. Researchers investigated the effectiveness of rhodiola in the Journal of Functional Foods (Andrade et al., 2018). They reported that rhodiola supplementation markedly reduced anxiety, stress, and cortisol levels compared to placebo.

Lifestyle Changes for Anxiety Relief

  • Exercise:
    Various studies have repeatedly revealed that physical commitment has dramatically changed anxiety levels. Walking, running, biking, and doing aerobic exercises increase the production of endorphins and decrease the levels of stress hormones; thus, mood improves and the chance of having anxiety decreases (Stubbs et al., 2017).

Along with mind-body approaches like yoga and tai chi, techniques that promote relaxation and mindfulness, like cognitive behavioral therapy, have good outcomes in anxiety management. (Cramer et al., 2017).

  • Sleep Hygiene:
    Sleep disorders and anxiety frequently coexist, producing a vicious cycle. Chronic insomnia may make anxiety worse, and vice versa—the stress disorder can worsen nighttime sleep patterns. Sleep hygiene matters. Sticking to a routine and avoiding blue light in the evening are some habits that can improve sleep quality and decrease general anxiety (Dolshen et al., 2019).

  • Stress Management:
    These strategies can help decrease tension. Writing a journal can serve as an outlet for expressing ideas and emotions and as therapy (Baikie & Wilhelm, 2005). Traveling through nature and green spaces, known as ecotherapy, was found to be helpful for people who suffer from stress and anxiety disorders (Kuo, 2015).

Other Lifestyle Modifications as Alternatives for Depression and Anxiety

  • Deep Breathing Exercises: Controlled breathing techniques like diaphragmatic and 4-7-8 breathing might stimulate the body’s ability to relax by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.
  • Social Support: A sense of belonging and emotional support can strengthen a social bond and keep anxiety at bay.
  • Mindful Eating: Concentrating on the pleasure of eating, enjoying a sensational taste, and staying in the present can decrease stress and anxiety.
  • Gratitude Practice: Free-style writing or daily reflection can cultivate gratitude, promote mental health, and reduce anxiety.
  • Laughter Therapy: Things that bring people laughter, like watching comedies or doing laughter yoga, can lower stress hormones and increase their mood (Bressington et al. 2019).

Integrating Natural Remedies with Conventional Treatment

Although there are natural remedies and alternative medicines for depression and anxiety, approaches such as aromatherapy, yoga, and meditation are effective in managing stress. Before adopting them into your plan, it is advisable that you consult with healthcare providers. Regular communication with the doctor, therapist, or other health care professionals is most important to guarantee the effectiveness and safety of the alternative treatment combined with any conventional treatment.

Guidelines for safe integration

  • Disclose all the herbal species and natural supplements to your healthcare providers to avoid the chance of interactions or possible contraindications between prescribed medicines and your existing conditions.
  • Always follow the dose recommendations and prescription instructions. Some natural remedies can be powerful and could interact with other medicines or substances.
  • Start with lower doses, then increase them stepwise to rule out adverse reactions or side effects.
  • Be careful monitoring your progress, as natural medicine may take longer to produce visible effects than regular medication.
  • Always follow a steady schedule and allow for a timely evaluation of the products after using them as natural remedies.

Potential interactions and contraindications

  • Taking some herbal supplements, such as St. John's wort, with some antidepressants and mood stabilizers can offer a decrease in the effectiveness of these medications or cause adverse reactions right away.
  • Specific adaptogens, such as Rhodiola, might affect the function of medicines used to combat diabetes or hypertension.
  • Valerian root can enhance the effects of sedatives and can be dangerous when used together with other sedating drugs or substances.


The state of anxiety is a widespread problem that can take over a person's life. Today, even though medications are commonly provided, many people like to take the natural way to manage the symptoms of anxiety due to the possible conflicts with the side effects or their personal preferences.

We must keep in mind that these natural treatments require careful use and supervision by qualified healthcare professionals. Combining natural remedies and conventional treatment methods is safe and effective, considering everything, starting with potential interactions and contraindications.

Ultimately, it all boils down to the best individual, wholehearted cure that helps you the most.


Reviewed by

Dr. Rajashri Sonti

Ayurveda Physician 





