Published on June 21st 2024

Exploring Alternative Therapies: Natural Approaches to Managing Anxiety

#Alternative medicine

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Exploring Alternative Therapies: Natural Approaches to Managing Anxiety



Exploring Alternative Therapies: Natural Approaches to Managing Anxiety

Table of Contents


. Why managing anxiety is important


. Alternative therapies for anxiety and depression


. Mindfulness concepts and meditation


. Yoga


. Herbs for anxiety


. Aromatherapy


. Exercise


. Acupuncture


. Food and diet


. Creativity and journal therapy


. Human connections


. Get your Z’s

Anxiety is a rampant problem in today’s society. It can affect a wide range of people, from students to parents to working professionals in every line of work. Stress and anxiety management have become must-have skills in order to keep all the stressors and pressures from getting to us.

What happens when anxiety goes unchecked and untreated?

A range of physical and mental health issues follow, leading to a negative impact on our overall well-being.

Let us take a look at the negative impact of anxiety and how we can find natural remedies for anxiety and depression in our lives.

Why managing anxiety is important

Anxiety not only impacts our mental state but also has far-reaching effects on our overall well-being, which is why it is important to manage anxiety.

  • Physical symptoms of anxiety like chronic pain, immune system dysfunction, and even digestive problems can cause further problems in going about our daily activities. By managing anxiety, we can avoid the physical manifestations of anxiety problems.
  • Anxiety can also worsen other mental health problems, like depression and OCD. To avoid these branching mental health issues, it is important to treat anxiety properly.
  • Anxiety causes a hindrance to our normal functioning and overall creates a negative state of mind, which is detrimental to the overall quality of our lives.
  • Anxiety has a negative impact on cognitive processes like memory, decision-making, focus, etc. This can, in turn, impact important aspects of our lives, such as careers and academia.
  • Relationships can deteriorate and become strained with unmanaged anxiety, causing isolation and communication blocks. Anxiety management gives us a chance to repair relationships and build more meaningful connections with people who are important to us.
  • Anxiety can cause productivity obstacles such as procrastination, over-thinking, chronic perfectionism, avoidance, self-doubt, rumination, etc. By effectively managing anxiety, we can overcome these problems and build consistency.
  • Chronic anxiety can contribute to aggravating pre-existing mental and physical health problems, which affect our long-term well-being. By prioritizing anxiety management, we can protect our long-term health and wellbeing.

Alternative therapies for anxiety and depression

Sometimes, with the mild symptoms of anxiety and depression, we can also cope with alternative therapy and sometimes without medicines. Medicines are not always the answer. Synthetic solutions have a temporary influence that may cause side effects with prolonged use. why it is so necessary to explore alternative treatments for anxiety and its symptoms.

Let us navigate our way through some of the best alternative treatments for anxiety and depression.

1. Mindfulness concepts and meditation

The practice of mindfulness can be very beneficial for coping with and treating anxiety and its symptoms. It helps us be truly present and aware of the present moment by letting go of fears and regrets. It promotes relaxation and reduces the traffic of anxious thoughts in our brain, allowing us to be blissful in the moment that we are in.

Techniques of practicing mindfulness include guided imagery, meditation, and techniques like body scans and deep breathing, which allow our conscious thought to be focused on our being and our body rather than in anxious patterns.

Apart from being an alternative treatment for anxiety, it also provides benefits like improved concentration levels, better creativity, awareness, and stress reduction.

2. Yoga

An ancient traditional technique to improve lifestyle and attain a higher level of consciousness, yoga not only has great spiritual significance but also holds the key to reducing anxiety and relieving its physical symptoms like muscle tension and chronic pain.

Incorporating simple yoga poses and movement flows into our workout routine can greatly improve the quality of our lives. Some of the integral parts of yoga for anxiety reduction include poses, breathwork, and meditation. These are at the crux of managing anxiety and promoting overall well-being.

Yoga offers relaxation benefits and also helps with better circulation and breathing. It also allows for balance and stability in the state of mind. It allows us to release tension and step into a more positive, holistic mindset.

3. Herbs for anxiety

Herbs and herbal supplements act as natural remedies for anxiety and depression.

These have natural compounds, which allow them to act naturally and aid the body in promoting its natural healing processes. Herbal cures for depression take on a holistic approach to build better health, both mental and physical. Some of the popular herbal cures for anxiety include chamomile, lavender, ashwagandha, passionflower, etc.

These herbal remedies can be made a part of lifestyle in many forms. Some herbs, like holy basil and basil, can even be used in recipes to add a touch of anxiety-fighting flavor to meals. Others can be taken in different forms, ranging from supplement capsules to powders and mixes, teas, and even essential oils.

4. Aromatherapy

Speaking of essential oils, aromatherapy is a technique that uses an oil diffuser to release essential oils as mists for inhalation.

Aromatherapy is a great way to promote relaxation and create a restful and calming environment. By using the right blend of essential oils, we can promote different aspects of our overall well-being, including coping with anxiety symptoms and activating the body’s relaxation response.

5. Exercise

Getting some form of exercise every day, such as walking, yoga, cycling, or even something as fun as dancing, can help release endorphins (happy hormones), which counter the effects of cortisol, which is the stress hormone. Finding an enjoyable exercise routine can be easier to follow and stick to.

6. Acupuncture

Acupuncture traces its origins back to traditional Chinese medicine practices. It involves the process of inserting thin needles into specific points across the body to promote the body’s natural healing processes.

It helps restore balance in the body and relieve symptoms like chronic pain. Certain studies have found that acupuncture might actually work against anxiety by influencing neurotransmitter activity and regulating the functioning of the nervous system.

7. Food and diet

People with balanced diets who consume a wide variety of fruits, veggies, and proteins tend to have better moods and more emotional stability. Nutrient compounds like omega-3, magnesium, vitamin B, etc. have been connected with better mental health and lower anxiety levels. Which is why including foods rich in these nutrients can help promote better mental well-being.

On the other hand, substances like caffeine, sugar, and processed foods are better consumed in smaller and more regulated quantities, promoting better mental states and reduced anxiety.

8. Creativity and journal therapy

Writing down the problem is the first step to solving it. The same goes for anxiety. Writing as a form of therapy can help process complex emotions and the fears and worries that come with anxiety.

Journal prompts can help target specific areas to process and cope, which helps not only let out built-up emotions but also helps to feel them healthily. Creative activities like painting, drawing, dancing, or any creative outlet of your choice, for that matter, can help channel difficult emotions into a productive, healthy purpose.

This helps with emotional expression, as sometimes what is difficult to explain in words is better expressed through art or music. The benefits of this are reduced stress and a healthy way of coping with emotions and anxiety.

9. Human connections

As vulnerable as it makes us feel to talk to others about anxiety and depression, we need support to heal and deal with serious mental health concerns. Self-isolation can lead to excessive dwelling on anxious thoughts, giving them more power over us. Talking to someone, be it a loved one, a friend, or even a professional, helps gain external perspective and also validates our feelings and emotions.

Connecting with others need not even be by venting to them, but can also be by shared interests. Being part of a community with a shared opinion or a mutual interest can provide a sense of belonging. Support groups and interest-specific communities, both online and offline, are great ways to foster meaningful connections with like-minded people.

10. Get your Z’s

Prioritize sleep. The body needs sleep regardless of whether we have worked that day, exercised, or checked everything off our to-do list.

Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and building a bedtime routine to help unwind and create a sleep-conducive environment are essential for restful sleep.

These alternative treatments for anxiety management are a spectrum of techniques that comprise both traditional and modern treatments. These are beneficial to not only managing mental health but also to improving our lifestyle!

Reviewed by

Dr. Sangeeta Hatila Cropped.jpg

Dr. Sangeeta Hatila

Neuro Psychiatrist 





