Full Body Detox: 10 Methods for a Full Body Detox at Home


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Full Body Detox: 10 Methods for a Full Body Detox at Home



Full Body Detox: 10 Methods for a Full Body Detox at Home

Published on June 3rd 2024

Table of Contents


. What Is Full-Body Detoxification?


. 10 Full-Body Detox Methods that You Can Try at Home


. Staying Well Hydrated


. Getting Adequate Sleep


. Avoiding Smoking and Drinking


. Exercise Regularly


. Fasting


. Following a Detox Diet


. Avoiding Ultra-Processed Foods


. Reducing Your Salt Intake


. Include Probiotics in Your Diet


. Yoga


. Help Your Body Detoxify Itself through These Simple Practices

If you are interested in natural medicine, you must have heard about the term full-body detoxification. No doubt it sounds impressive, but how do you go about it? Is it really useful?

In this article, we’ll answer these questions and help you understand full-body detox methods better.

What Is Full-Body Detoxification?

It is the name given to various intentional processes meant to rid your body of toxins. Proponents of natural medicine believe that, over time, unwanted and harmful substances accumulate in your body and interfere with its functioning, giving rise to diseases.

However, our bodies effectively detoxify themselves through excretion, sweating, and breathing and can do so without the need for external interference. The whole purpose of the full-body detox methods can then be considered to assist the body’s natural detoxification activities.

There are multiple body detox practices that you can include in your day-to-day routine. We’ll cover them next.

10 Full-Body Detox Methods that You Can Try at Home

Here are some easy-to-implement natural detox cleanse techniques that you can employ right from the comfort of your home.

1. Staying Well Hydrated

Hydration is an important aspect of detoxification strategies, as it helps the body remove toxins through urination, defecation, and sweating. It also supports other essential processes, such as the maintenance of body temperature and the transportation of nutrients in the body.

Many detoxification practices include drinking plenty of plain water, water infused with fruits and herbs (detox water), or even water fasting. The last one implies eating nothing and drinking only water for a specific period of time.

When it comes to the ideal daily water intake, there is no one-size-fits-all recommendation, as the amount of water that you need is linked to your physical activity level, age, gender, body mass, and the environmental conditions in which you live.

Moreover, drinking too much water is not known to make your body’s detoxification process faster or more efficient. On the contrary, it may lead to low blood sodium, which may result in serious consequences.

Drinking sufficient quantities of water to avoid dehydration but not overdoing it in the hope of an accelerated natural body detox is the right approach here.

2. Getting Adequate Sleep

A disrupted sleep pattern may contribute to alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver diseases, according to a 2021 study examining the relationship between sleep and liver disease. As the liver is a key organ responsible for naturally detoxifying our bodies, its reduced functioning directly affects the removal of toxins from the body.

Similarly, sleep duration may affect kidney function in individuals with no pre-existing kidney or liver diseases or sleep disorders. Short (five hours or less) and long (nine hours or more) sleep durations have been linked with an increased risk for chronic kidney disease. Reduced kidney function directly impacts your body’s natural detoxification ability through urination.

3. Avoiding Smoking and Drinking

Alcohol is a known toxin for the liver and can damage it when consumed in large quantities and for extended periods of time. Alcohol abuse may result in alcoholic fatty liver disease, which can further progress to alcoholic hepatitis and cirrhosis, the last of which is an irreversible condition.

Given that you can appreciate the liver’s role in cleansing the body of various toxins, it makes no sense to subject it to alcohol abuse.

The good part here is that alcoholic fatty liver disease is reversible if it has not yet transformed into severe hepatitis or cirrhosis, and you can give your liver a chance to heal by giving up alcohol.

When it comes to smoking, cigarette smoke has been demonstrated to negatively impact almost every part of the body. It contains over 250 harmful.) chemicals, many of which are known to be cancer-causing.

Carbon monoxide, ammonia, and toxic metals like cadmium and beryllium are present in cigarette smoke and can have a serious detrimental effect on your body. If you are keen on detoxifying your body, quitting smoking should be the first on your list of actions.

4. Exercise Regularly

Physical activity is known to reduce the risk of chronic, lifestyle-related conditions like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, along with improving the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental illnesses.

Regular exercise has been shown to have anti-oxidizing and anti-inflammatory effects on the liver. Liver oxidative stress and inflammation can lead to the development of chronic liver disease, causing a reduction in liver function. This links regular physical activity with the natural body detox process.

Try to do at least 150–300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise or 75–150 minutes of vigorous exercise every week. Also, include a muscle-strengthening workout in your schedule.

5. Fasting

Practitioners of full-body detox programs often fast with the belief that abstaining from certain or all kinds of food items for a given period will enhance the body’s cleansing capacity.

According to a study on the effect of fasting on heavy metal levels in urine and hair, it may help the body remove toxins like heavy metals. Here, 22 participants observed a 10-day fast, and their urine and hair samples were analyzed before and after the 10-day period. The results showed a decrease in arsenic and nickel concentrations in urine and lead concentrations in hair.

If you are considering fasting as an option to detoxify your body, consult a doctor before going ahead with your plans. Extreme fasting can result in vitamin and protein deficiencies, mineral imbalances, high levels of lactic acid in the blood, or even death.

6. Following a Detox Diet

A detox diet imposes restrictions, such as eating only specific types of foods and avoiding certain items, to promote detoxification. It may also be used for weight loss, healthier skin and hair, or for treating ailments like headaches, bloating, and constipation. Some examples are the lemon detox diet and the liver cleansing diet.

Despite the popularity of detox diets, there is no credible evidence about their effectiveness in detoxification and weight loss. Moreover, sticking to them for a long period of time may cause nutrient deficiencies in the body, similar to fasting.

7. Avoiding Ultra-Processed Foods

Regularly consuming ultra-processed food items like ham, ice cream, carbonated drinks, instant soups and noodles, etc. is linked with the development of heart disease, diabetes, and liver problems. The risk further increases for those with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Instead of ready-to-eat, market-sourced foods, try to plan and cook your own meals as a healthier alternative. Also, include more fruits, vegetables, and nuts in your diet to minimize the consumption of processed foods.

8. Reducing Your Salt Intake

High salt consumption puts you at a greater risk of developing high blood pressure, which can in turn lead to chronic kidney disease.

Your kidneys play a vital role in the natural detoxification process, and their reduced function directly impacts the removal of harmful and unwanted substances from the body in the form of urine.

9. Include Probiotics in Your Diet

Probiotics may restrict the harmful bacterial overgrowth in the intestines that contributes to the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. They may also be helpful in cases of alcoholic liver disease and cirrhosis. There is also some experimental evidence that probiotics can have a protective effect on the gut and liver by binding to the toxins introduced through food.

Some food items rich in probiotics are yogurt, buttermilk, and cheddar and mozzarella cheese. You also have plant-based options like natto (made from soybean) and kimchi (made from cabbage).

10. Yoga

Yoga is believed to promote the natural body detox process by stimulating the organs responsible for detoxification and by facilitating the removal of toxins through sweat.

The yoga poses that you may practice for improving natural detoxification include Surya Namaskar (sun salutations), Adho Mukha Svanasana (the downward-facing dog pose), and Parivratta Anjaneyasana (the revolved lunge pose).

Help Your Body Detoxify Itself through These Simple Practices

By now, you must have an idea about how natural detoxification works and what you can do to promote it. Following the full-body detox methods covered here may aid your body in cleansing itself of toxins and avoiding diseases.

However, you should be aware that these tips are not meant to cure a medical condition, and you should see a doctor for it promptly. Similarly, proceed with caution in the case of herbal clean detox products or diets that promise magical detoxification of your body without taking into account its natural functioning.

It is always recommended that you consult your doctor before starting with them or any other similar technique. That said, an understanding of the workings and effects of these body detox methods, when combined with basic knowledge about the human body, may help you achieve better health.


Reviewed by

Dr. Rajashri Sonti

Ayurveda Physician 





