Why morning routine is essential for productivity?

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Why morning routine is essential for productivity?



Why morning routine is essential for productivity?

Published on August 2nd 2024

Table of Contents


. What is a morning routine?


. Benefits of having daily rituals


. What an efficient morning routine feels like


. Some morning routine essentials


. Exercises


. Skincare


. Breakfast


. Self-care


. Planning out your day


. One big chore


. Soak up some sun


. Conclusion

How we start our day sets the tone for the rest of it. Mornings are our starting point for our journey through the day to ensure we get off on the right foot.

When we properly structure our mornings with daily rituals, we are able to greatly reduce mental fog and start our day with clarity.

Having a morning routine allows us to start the day by accomplishing tasks, which allows us to feel more confident, productive, and in control.

What is a morning routine?

Your morning routine is a set of steps, or tasks, that you like to get done in the morning. These can be chores, exercise, self-care, getting ready, or even something you enjoy, like reading a book or drinking some tea. These steps for productivity tips set you in the right mood to go about your day and begin with a positive mindset.

Benefits of having daily rituals

  1. Having a consistent morning routine can help cultivate time-management skills.
  2. It can also help you better utilize your time in the morning, thus encouraging productivity and planning.
  3. Having a morning routine also helps with ‘decision fatigue’, allowing you to start your day with clear priorities.
  4. Morning routine can help contribute to mental and physical well-being. Activities such as meditating, morning routine exercise, and even getting breakfast.
  5. Daily rituals can also help with better moods, thus reducing stress and allowing you to maintain a positive mindset as you tackle the day’s challenges.
  6. Maintaining a morning routine can also help foster a sense of accomplishment even before you go about your day.
  7. Like mentioned before, starting your morning on the right foot can allow you to set your sights clearly on the goals that need to be accomplished for that day.
  8. An effective morning routine helps set the foundations for a positive and productive day ahead.

What an efficient morning routine feels like

Have you seen those movies where the main character is introduced by showing them on their way to work in the morning? Some are calm and composed and get everything done; others wake up late and have chaotic moments that make us laugh.

‘Make you feel like the main character’ means it should put you in charge of the day with a sense of accomplishment and make you mindful of your priorities for the day, allowing you to tackle the day with confidence.

Having an efficient morning routine makes you feel:

  1. Accomplished
  2. Mentally focused
  3. Stress tolerant
  4. More in control
  5. Happy and warm inside

Having an efficient morning routine means:

  1. breakfast, enough time to sort out your tasks for the day.
  2. Prepare for the day by packing essentials, getting ready, and leaving on time.
  3. Having enough time to take care of yourself, like exercising, journaling, or even getting breakfast,
  4. Starting the morning slowly but adequately paced.

Some morning routine essentials

1. Exercises

Why morning routine is essential for productivity?

Physical activity as a part of your morning routine can help by improving circulation and releasing adrenaline, which can help with alertness and increased energy levels. Making physical exercise a part of your morning routine can help set a healthy tone for the rest of the day.

Exercise can also help relays and dolphins, which improve mode and can tolerate stress. Apart from the well-known benefits of including exercise in your morning routine, another advantage that exercise can offer is establishing a habit of discipline by consistently following your daily ritual of getting physical activity.

2. Skincare

Why morning routine is essential for productivity?

Utilizing skin-benefiting products and natural remedies, practicing skin care, and cleansing your face can all be part of a morning routine for the face. This can go a long way toward improving skin health and is also a great addition to your morning routine.

Skincare can be as simple as cleansing your face in the morning and applying sunscreen. On the other hand, it can also be complex, where you follow a step-by-step ritual of applying products like serum, moisturizers, and even essential oils that suit your skin. You can take your morning routine for your skin a step further by incorporating facial massages like the lymphatic drainage massage into your routine, which can help not only improve skin health but also tone and provide structure to your facial features.

3. Breakfast

Why morning routine is essential for productivity?

Breakfast is said to be a significant time to provide your body with the nourishment it needs. And rightly so. It is the first meal of the day that mainly provides you with the energy to tackle your tasks. Breakfast is the first fuel you give to your body, and with all the pressures and deadlines to be met every day, logic dictates that your breakfast should provide you with enough fuel to kickstart your day with enough energy and nourishment.

Getting breakfast, or even better, making breakfast for yourself in the morning, is an essential part of your morning routine. An effective morning routine always has room for breakfast!

4. Self-care

Why morning routine is essential for productivity?

Starting the morning with some form of self-care or another, be it meditation, practicing gratitude, journaling, or even a hobby like reading, can help start the day on a positive note. When you have had the time to sit and do something you really enjoy at the beginning of the day, it reinforces a more positive and relaxed outlook.

5. Planning out your day

Why morning routine is essential for productivity?

Another good habit to inculcate as part of your effective morning routine is taking the time to sort and plan out all the activities you need to complete for that day.

Organizing tasks and chores by priority can help clear your schedule effectively and ensure that each task is allotted the appropriate time and duration to complete. It is like coming up with your very own action plan for a productive and fulfilling day.

6. One big chore

Why morning routine is essential for productivity?

Tackling one chore for the day in the morning can take a load off when you get back home and make more time for you to relax and unwind later in the day. When we say one big chore, we don’t mean big as in the magnitude of the task, but rather that one task that seems big to you because it is the task you procrastinate about the most. This can be making the bed, doing the laundry, putting away clothes, or even slightly cleaning up your desk.

Pick one task that you can accomplish within the limits of your routine that will also help take a lot of stress away from you. Another way tackling chores in the morning can help is by giving you the confidence and state of mind of having successfully reduced your own stress and completing your ‘one big chore’.

7. Soak up some sun

Why morning routine is essential for productivity?

The best source to get Vitamin D, which has numerous health benefits, is the sun, and the best time to bask in pleasant sunlight is in the morning. (In most places, UV rays are strongest between about 10am and 4pm, when the sun is at its peak.) Why not take some time to just stand at a window and feel the sunshine?

Or even better, to kill two birds with one stone, why not take a walk or do your exercises somewhere where there is sunlight?


The takeaway here is that your morning routine should make you feel like the main character in the movie of your life. Does this mean you should get ready to listen to pop hits and put together detailed outfits? If it makes you happy, yes, but that is not a requirement.

These are a few ideas to inspire you to create your own morning routine. The best part is that you can be as creative as you want with your time and do as much as possible, or stick with just the relaxing basics.

The power of an effective morning routine is tremendous when it comes to contributing to success, mindset, lifestyle, and health. Habits cultivated, such as journaling, prioritizing, exercising, self-care, and more, have far-reaching benefits.

So remember to ‘rise and shine’ every morning!


Reviewed by

Dr. Sangeeta Hatila

Neuro Psychiatrist 





