
Learn How To Craft Healthy Sleep Habits for a Refreshed Tomorrow

Reviewed by

Dr. Sangeeta Hatila - Neuro Psychiatrist
Dr. Sangeeta Hatila - Neuro Psychiatrist

Published on November 12th 2024

Sleep is the most important element for our physical and mental health. Healthy Sleep Habits help you stay relaxed and calm and reduce the risk of many diseases and sleep disorders.

However, these days, individuals often have to face sleeping disturbances due to several factors affecting them. These include 

  • Stress
  • A Poor Lifestyle
  • Certain Health Issues like Diabetes, etc.
  • Mobile Addiction
  • And others that impact your sleeping pattern. 


Nevertheless, one should adopt healthy sleeping habits in their daily life to make their mind calm, sleep quicker and longer, and eventually, retain a refreshed tomorrow. In this blog, you can learn the best healthy sleep habits that change your life.

“Your mind is like a muscle, and it needs time to unwind just like your body,” says Arianna Huffington.

Benefits of Healthy Sleep Habits?

Certainly, there are enormous benefits of healthy sleep. From improving your mental health to saying goodbye to several sleep disorders, sound sleep helps you in plenty of ways including

  • It enhances your cognitive functions, such as learning and problem-solving skills.
  • It can reduce several diseases, including insomnia. 
  • It may help you cope with stress, depression, and anxiety.
  • A good sleeping habit may help boost the immune system.
  • It helps in managing severe other health issues, including PCOD, obesity, and diabetes.
  • Lastly, the best sleep habits promote our overall mental and physical health.


“Your bedroom should be a sleep haven, make it as cozy and welcoming as you can. Buy a soft mattress, pillows, and furniture to make your room a real haven for rest.” says health podcaster and author Shawn Stevenson.

Some good sleep habits to include in our daily life

Good sleep habits have multiple health benefits, and if we talk about getting sound sleep, it can have a positive impact on our overall health. 

On the other hand, modern life is very disturbing; itmakes you sacrifice your sleep for various reasons. To get the benefits of healthy sleep, one must follow healthy sleep hygiene in their daily life. 

Some of these best sleep habits include the following:

Make a sleep schedule

Schedule a Time For Sleep

You’ve probably heard that creating a sleep routine makes it easier for people to consistently follow the sleep-wake cycle. This schedule should also be followed on both the weekends and the holidays. 

Do your best to adhere to it. It will assist your body and mind in developing sleeping habits well at night and waking up with a peaceful and comfortable feeling.

Create a cosy sleep environment

Cozy Sleep Environment

Here, you have to do a lot of things to make sure you get a comfortable sleeping experience. First and foremost, before going to bed, make sure you take a warm shower or try to meditate for a short while. 

Additionally, make sure you create an environment that is quiet, dark, comfortable, and relaxing. 

You may utilize blackout curtains to block out light, or you can use earplugs to saturate the sounds. Lastly, use mattresses and pillows that will provide you with the utmost comfort.

Say No to caffeine and alcohol

Caffeine and Alcohol Is Bad For Sleep

Yes, if you want to have healthy sleeping habits, you have to avoid caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol. These substances are the major reasons to keep us awake or disrupt our sleep quality, or insomnia. Depending on your body, caffeine can last up to 3 to 7 hours after you consume it. On the other hand, alcohol is not good as it causes us to wake up more often during the night. So it’s essential to limit the intake of both substances. 

Instead of caffeine, you can have a glass of nutmeg milk an hour before you go to sleep, as nutmeg is said to induce sleep and soothe the mind.

Do not take nap for longer hours

Do Not Nap For Long In The Afternoons

Napping in the afternoon is questionable for many individuals who are facing irregular sleep schedules. 

However, napping too long or for hours may affect us negatively as it reduces our sleep quality. One may also struggle to fall asleep at night. Henceforth, you must limit your nap to 20–25 minutes only.

Put away electronic devices at least 30 minutes before going to bed

Do Not Use Mobile Before Going To Bed

If you are facing symptoms such as insomnia or are struggling with getting a peaceful sleep, electronic devices can be one of the reasons for it. 

TVs, laptops, mobile devices, and other gadgets can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates our sleep cycle. 

If you want to adopt healthy sleeping etiquette, you must turn off or mute your devices at least 30 minutes before going to bed. 

Don’t forget to include exercise

Exercise for better sleep 

A 30-minute walk will also do if you are consistent about following the routine. Both indoor and outdoor exercises can help you regulate your sleep cycle. 

You may exercise anytime during the day. However, do not imply heavy exercise an hour or two before going to bed, as it may increase your energy levels and you may end up staying awake at night.

How can we start practicing good sleep etiquette?

Are you facing a sleep problem? Don’t you know what to do when everyone else is sleeping and you are wandering around with thousands of thoughts running through your mind? 

Well, then you should start practicing sleep etiquette today itself. 

Firstly, you need to understand that you can’t apply all of the above things from the very first day. 

So, all you have to do is make small and gradual changes to manage your sleep disorders. Set specific goals for yourself to adopt two or three habits in your day-to-day life. 

For example, you can avoid drinking alcohol as well as caffeine for a month or two to see how things work for you. Additionally, you can follow the sleep schedule to see the changes in your sleep-wake cycle.

Furthermore, as time passes, you can adapt the other mentioned habits to your daily ritual so that you become successful in achieving good, sound sleep. 

You can also use smart watches or smartphone apps to track your sleep pattern. This can help you monitor how your sleep changes over time, and you can also make adjustments accordingly when needed.

“Sleep is the best meditation.” Dalai Lama 


Finally, remember that healthy sleep habits are not a one-size-fits-all solution. 

Rather, it is a very personalized approach that may vary from one person to another. A few things may work for you but may not for another person, and vice versa.

Learning to prioritize sleep and develop good sleep hygiene is an investment in your well-being. happiness, and productivity. It’s important to obtain the correct sort of sleep rather than simply more of it. By using these suggestions, you may establish a sleep schedule that leaves you feeling invigorated and ready to face each new day.

Henceforth, you have to check yourself to see what will suit you. Once you get to know about it and become habitual with healthy sleep habits, try to stick to it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How many hours of sleep do I need?

The appropriate amount of sleep varies with age and individual demands, but most people need 7-9 hours each night to operate well.

2. Is it normal to wake up in the middle of the night?

Yes, it is normal to wake up momentarily throughout the night. If you’re having problems getting back asleep, try improving your sleep environment or using a relaxation method.

3. How can I fall asleep faster?

To help you fall asleep faster, adopt a peaceful pre-sleep routine, avoid devices before bedtime, and limit stimulants like coffee in the afternoon.

4. Is it bad to rely on sleep aids?

Sleep aids may be used on occasion, but depending on them for an extended period of time is not recommended. Consult a healthcare expert to discover safer, more lasting methods to enhance sleep hygiene naturally.

5. Does exercising close to bedtime affect sleep?

Exercising late in the day might be too energetic for some individuals, so start your workout early. Experiment and find what works best for you.

