Published on May 27th 2024

The Effectiveness of Aromatherapy Massage on Alleviating Pain & Stress


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The Effectiveness of Aromatherapy Massage on Alleviating Pain & Stress



The Effectiveness of Aromatherapy Massage on Alleviating Pain & Stress

Table of Contents


. What Is An Aromatherapy Massage?


. The Science of Aromatherapy Massage


. Pain Relief Through Aromatherapy Massage


. Stress-relieving aromatherapy massage


. Choosing the Right Aromatherapy Massage Experience


. Tips for an optimal aromatherapy massage experience:


. Conclusion

Aromatherapy massage is a type of holistic therapy that incorporates the healing energy of the smell and the curative qualities of massage. This technique has been gaining much popularity for its ability to reduce pain, reduce stress and promote a more peaceful overall harmony in life

The blog will be dedicated to the effectiveness of aroma massage in suppressing those concerns by highlighting scientific proof, professional opinions, and real individual experiences. We shall further explore various types of aromatherapy massages, specifically aroma spa massage, aromatherapy full-body massage, and aroma body and foot massage, which will help you select the one that meets your needs.

What Is An Aromatherapy Massage?

Aromatherapy massage is a holistic treatment approach integrating centuries-old therapeutic massage practice and aromatic essential oils. The oils are derived from different plant parts, including flowers, leaves, bark, and roots, through distillation or cold-pressing processes.

The therapeutic effect of those plant oils underlines the power behind aromatherapy massage. Such potent plant essences are said to have a broad spectrum of attributes, including analgesic (pain relief), anti-inflammatory, anxiolytic (anxiety reduction), and sedative effects.

The active compounds in the essential oils can quickly enter the body's systems when receiving an aromatherapy massage through the skin and even through inhalation.

There are several essential oils that are prominently featured in aromatherapy when it comes to massage. Some of these are lavender, which has calm, sleep-promoting effects; eucalyptus, which has decongestant and anaesthesia properties; and chamomile, which is well known for its anti-inflammatory and cooling benefits. Other widely used complements are rosemary, peppermint, bergamot, and ylang-ylang; among them are different beneficial aspects that are of help.

Aromatherapy massage full body treatment starts with the therapist choosing, synthesizing, and blending the right essential oils according to the client's individual problems and worries.

The oils are subsequently diluted in fractionated carrier oils like sweet almond or grape seed oil and applied to the body using different types of massage to provide the aromatic compounds with a medium for absorption through the skin or inhalation.

The Science of Aromatherapy Massage

Although aromatherapy massage has been around for a long time, contemporary science has shown that the physiological effects of essential oils on humans can be harnessed to alleviate the symptoms of some physiological conditions and lead to overall well-being.

Here are some of the fundamental mechanisms through which essential oils may exert their effects:

  • Interaction with the olfactory system: Essential oils are presumed to stimulate the olfactory system, which plays a crucial role in perceiving smell. When essential oils are inhaled, olfactory-stimulating aromatic molecules reach the brain through olfactory receptors.

Thus, signals to the limbic system, which is responsible for emotions, memory, and behaviour, are sent.

  • Absorption through the skin: Massage is a procedure where the oils are applied to the skin's surface and absorbed through the pores in the skin. Thus, these medicinal oils can impart certain active compounds into the bloodstream and potentially interfere with several body systems, including the endocrine and immune systems.

  • Anti-inflammatory effects: A substantial portion of the essential oils,e.g.,. lavender, chamomile, and eucalyptus, have proven to have anti-inflammatory benefits. This attribute may be responsible for reducing inflammation and helping to remove the pain related to arthritis, muscle soreness, and joint stiffness.

  • Analgesic (pain-relieving) effects: Clove, ginger, and peppermint are essential oils with significant analgesic power, which can help control various types of pain, such as headaches, menstrual cramps, and muscle pains.

  • Anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) and sedative effects: Oils such as lavender, bergamot, and chamomile are known to provide a calming and relaxing effect, which is likely to facilitate sleep, lower anxiety, and ease all kinds of muscular tension.

Numerous studies have proven the possible benefits of aromatherapy and massage. On the other hand, a survey taken from the Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine states that aromatherapy massage with lavender oil reduces pain and anxiety scores in most patients suffering from primary dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps).

A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine indicated that massage with ginger oil can significantly reduce exercise-related muscle pain and improve muscle injury recovery.

Pain Relief Through Aromatherapy Massage

The area of the aromatherapy massage that seems to open up more opportunities is the ability to lower pain of different types. Here are some common conditions where this therapeutic approach may offer relief:

  1. Muscle aches and soreness: It has been demonstrated that essential oils with anti-inflammatory and anti-pain properties, such as eucalyptus, mint, and ginger, can reduce muscle soreness and swelling brought on by physical activity, accidents, or chronic illnesses like fibromyalgia.
  2. Headaches and migraines: Some essential oils, like lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus, and many more, can relieve regular headaches and even migraines. According to a report in the most recent European Neurology Journal, inhaling lavender oil for 15 minutes could significantly decrease headaches and headache-related symptoms.
  3. Menstrual cramps: Aromatherapy massage with the oils clary sage, cinnamon, and lavender has been discovered to have positive results in combating menstrual cramps and any other associated discomfort. According to an article in the Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research, clary sage oil aromatherapy and massage can significantly lessen the severity of period cramps.
  4. Joint pain and arthritis: The antiinflammatory oils of eucalyptus, ginger, and frankincense can relieve the joint pain and stiffness that come with medical conditions like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
  5. Chronic pain: Aromatherapy massage is believed to be a beneficial method of pain relief for chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, and lower back pain by inhibiting inflammation, soothing the mind, and modulating pain sensitivity

A Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine study revealed that lavender oil is an effective remedy for migraine pain. The researchers concluded that consuming lavender oil for 15 minutes could notably decrease the migraine intensity and accompanying symptoms, including nausea and photophobia (i.e., the sensitivity to light), compared with the placebo.

Stress-relieving aromatherapy massage

An aromatherapy massage is a highly effective way of relieving relaxation and stress. It uses the age-old connection between the body and mind. Integrating the subtle massage moves and the calming characteristics of essential oils is one way to eliminate physical pain and mental confusion and promote relaxation and peacefulness.

Besides lavender, bergamot, and chamomile, several other natural oils, such as ylang-ylang, clary sage, and frankincense, have properties that can relax the mind and make one feel happier. These oils may react with the olfactory system and affect the brain's limbic system, which is responsible for emotional regulation and stress response.

The studies confirmed the historical and empirical basis for aromatherapy massage's stress-relieving role. Participants in recent phytotherapy research reported a decrease in levels of anxiety and stress with rose essential oil.

Massage with rose oil reduces stress and anxiety and improves well-being on a general scale. Research conducted at the Institute of Alternative Medicine showed that bergamot essential oil reduces the process when inhaled during massage.

Additionally, massage can help trigger the release of endorphins, which are the body's natural "chemicals of pleasure" and happiness. This may also be one of the factors that helps reduce pain and improve mood.

Choosing the Right Aromatherapy Massage Experience

A good massage therapist would ideally be someone who is reputable and has the experience to ensure you get the best aromatherapy massage. Here are some key factors to consider:

  1. Qualifications and experience: Search for massage therapists who possess the correct training standards in aromatherapy and are well acquainted with the fundamental knowledge of essential oils. Certifications from accredited institutions or professional associations serve as your accreditation standard for their expertise.
  2. Types of aromatherapy massages:
  • Aroma spa massage: The dedicated therapist will use approved oils and lotions and provide a full-body massage. This service is commonly found in spa settings. It is a mixture of the essential oils' calming ambience and therapeutic qualities.

  • Aromatherapy massages entire body: In accordance with the name, this massage is more of a full-body massage using essential oils and several other massage varieties.

  • Aroma body and foot massage: This may consist of Swedish or Thai-type massage that focuses mainly on the body and feet, often using reflexology techniques and essential oils, allowing the person to unwind and relax completely.

  • Aroma body massage: In this massage, the therapist focuses more on the body, and he/she uses appropriate essential oils for a particular client. Such oils include relaxation or pain relief.

  1. Essential oil selection: With sufficient information on the use of these particular essential oils, the therapist should be able to suggest the best ones for you and your health problems.

  2. Massage technique: Ask the therapist about the type of massage they offer. Various methods suit people differently for specific conditions and desired outcomes.

  3. Environment: Cleanliness, comfort, and absence of distraction are some aspects of the massage environment. Proper ventilation should be in place to enable the diffusion of oils so that people can breathe safely and beautifully.

Tips for an optimal aromatherapy massage experience:

  • Convey your requirements and preferences to the therapist before the session and ask any questions.
  • Drink water before and after the massage to assist more in the process of removing toxins.
  • Ensure you do not have a heavy meal before the massage to relax.
  • Give your body a chance to recharge after the session so it can benefit, at its best, from the experience.


An aromatherapy massage is a holistic approach since it helps decrease pain, reduce stress, and increase wellness levels. Mixing a massage oil with proven essential oils produces therapeutic effects that supply a solution to multiple ailments and extra relaxation.

Trying an aroma spa massage, aroma therapy full body massage, aroma body and foot massage, or aroma body massage is indeed one of the various choices of different signature touch points that every professional massage parlour may include in their menu.

However, as a massage customer, you must engage yourself with massage therapists who are licensed and knowledgeable enough to deliver safe massage practices. Learn to appreciate the essence of nature's aroma and brush the healing profession of therapeutic massage, which will lead to better health of the mind and body.

Reviewed by

Dr. Rajashri Sonti Cropped.jpg

Dr. Rajashri Sonti

Ayurveda Physician 





