Breath to Ease: Powerful Breathing Exercises for Anxiety Relief


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Breath to Ease: Powerful Breathing Exercises for Anxiety Relief



Breath to Ease: Powerful Breathing Exercises for Anxiety Relief

Published on April 25th 2024

Table of Contents


. When you feel anxious, it's like your body is getting ready for danger. Here's what might happen


. What are the effects of working out breathing techniques when you are anxious?


. Let’s uncover some useful breathing techniques for anxiety


. Deep breathing


. Breath focus


. Resonant breathing


. Belly Breathing


. Tips to incorporate breathwork techniques the right way


. Consult a breath therapist


. Conclusion

Feeling stressed, down, or out of breath sometimes happens to everyone. But if these things keep happening over and over, it could be a sign of anxiety. It can make you feel worse in the long run if you don't take care of it.

Anxiety and worry, especially for an extended period, can harm your wellness. One may even encounter negative thoughts while being anxious.

According to the NCBI, “anxiety increased from 5.12% in 2008 to 6.68% in 2018 among adults in the USA.”

This demonstrates that everyone, young and old, is becoming more affected by the illness. It’s time to get rid of it.

Some breathing exercises for anxiety can help you calm down when you're down. Engaging in these activities can contribute to a sense of tranquility and inner peace.

When you feel anxious, it's like your body is getting ready for danger. Here's what might happen

When a person feels anxious, they can see an increase in their stress hormones, like adrenaline and cortisol. This then makes your heart beat faster, and you may experience shortness of breath.

Anxiety also affects you mentally. One may start feeling dreadful, worried, or overwhelmed, which can disrupt their ability to concentrate or make important decisions.

Additionally, it can also contribute to a range of health issues, including digestive problems, sleep disturbances, and a weakened immune system.

What are the effects of working out breathing techniques when you are anxious?

On the other hand, breathing exercises are great because they help your body chill out. They kind of turn off your stress response and turn on your relaxation response.

You can also experience physical serenity by practicing deep, regulated breathing, which also lowers blood pressure and pulse rate.

Breathing exercises have the potential to help you feel less overwhelmed and boost mental clarity by changing your attention away from unpleasant thoughts and directing it toward something else.

In short, doing these breathing exercises regularly can make you better at handling anxiety and feeling mentally well over time.

Let’s uncover some useful breathing techniques for anxiety

In the following list, you will find some of the most effective breathing methods for dealing with stress and anxiety:

1. Deep breathing

Deep breathing is an effective anxiety-reduction exercise. According to Hindawi, “deep breathing has been shown to have a positive impact on various factors like stress, anxiety, and negative affect in numerous studies.”

For deep breathing:

  • Find a tranquil location where you will not be disturbed.
  • Expel every last drop of oxygen from your alveoli by taking a deep exhalation.
  • Slowly draw in air through the nostrils for four counts.
  • Exhale completely through your mouth while counting to eight.
  • Repeat the entire procedure for an additional two minutes in order to experience the advantages.

2. Breath focus

Taking a few minutes to focus on your breathing can really help you relax and feel less stressed. Just find a peaceful place and either sit or lie down to start performing the exercise.

  • Take a regular breath, like you normally would. Notice how your belly feels with this breath.
  • Now, take a big, slow breath in through your nose. This time, feel your belly puff out like a balloon.
  • Then exhale your breath most comfortably.
  • As you notice your belly rise and fall, practice the exercise for several minutes

3. Resonant breathing

Resonant breathing is another breathwork technique that can do wonders if you feel stressed or anxious. This kind of exercise may alleviate symptoms of depression and may also improve insomnia.

To perform this breathing exercise, find a quiet place, and then:

  • Find a comfy spot and close your eyes.
  • Breathe slowly through your nose for 5 seconds.
  • Then, slowly blow the air out for another 5 seconds.
  • Focus on the rhythm and sound of your breath.
  • Continue this for 10 minutes max.

4. Belly Breathing

Additionally referred to as breathing from the abdomen, belly breathing involves taking deeper inhalations to fill the airways with more oxygen.

According to some research, when individuals practice belly breathing every day, they can easily reduce anxiety and stress.

To start with this exercise, one must sit in a quiet position and then:

  • Position one hand on the sternum and the other on the abdomen.
  • Inhale gradually through the nose while experiencing the expansion of your abdomen in the manner of a balloon (with minimal thoracic movement).
  • As if you were about to drink through a straw, purse your lips.
  • Exhale air gently through your nostrils for approximately four seconds, allowing your stomach to reset.
  • A few repetitions of this will produce the finest results.

Tips to incorporate breathwork techniques the right way

  • Start your morning with a short breathing exercise. This can set a positive tone for the day ahead and help reduce morning anxiety.
  • Set aside time for your breathing exercises, like any other essential appointment. Try to do them at the same time each day so they become a habit.
  • Remember, to feel the benefits, it's best to do them in a calm and comfy spot.
  • Place reminders for the same, as life is busy and one may forget to practice the exercises occasionally.
  • Want to supercharge your relaxation? Try these breathing exercises with other calming activities like meditation, yoga, or some gentle stretches!
  • Be mindful when you practice the exercises, and do not let your mind wander around.
  • Help your body and mind unwind before bed with breathing exercises. This can improve your sleep quality and decrease nighttime anxiety.
  • Note your experiences, feelings, and any progress you observe. This can help you tailor your practice to your needs and see how far you've come over time.

Consult a breath therapist

A breath therapist is a kind of medical expert who is able to give respiratory therapy and treat patients who suffer from cardiopulmonary illnesses such as sleep apnea and lung-related diseases.

They can also help you find the perfect breathing exercises to chill you out and make you feel better overall. Their expertise in the field can give you personalized solutions to your problems.


Well, you may perform these breathing exercises for anxiety anywhere and at any time.

So the next time you feel restless or get an anxiety attack, you can get help from breathing exercises.

Just calm your body and mind and gain as many benefits as possible by including them in your daily routine.

Alternatively, as mentioned already, yo may contact a breathing therapist to get the required help.


Reviewed by

Yempala Himavarsha

Yoga Professional 





