Published on June 4th 2024

An Exploration Into Blocked Throat and Sacral Energy Chakras


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An Exploration Into Blocked Throat and Sacral Energy Chakras



An Exploration Into Blocked Throat and Sacral Energy Chakras

Table of Contents


. Understanding the Throat Chakra


. Affirmations and Mantras for Thorat Chakra Healing


. Yoga Poses and Breathing Exercises


. Crystals for Healing the Throat Chakra


. The Sacral Chakra and Its Connection


. Signs of an imbalanced/blocked sacral chakra


. Unblocking the Sacral Chakra


. Balancing Both Chakras


. Conclusion

Holistic modalities and chakras, the centripetal forces of energy in the body, are undeniably intertwined. The throat chakra (Vishuddha) and the sacral chakra (Swadhisthana) are the two energy centres from these chakras that can affect our lives in different ways when stagnant or imbalanced. The blog will spotlight these two chakras and their attendant functions, the lower and higher signs of imbalance, and the means of unblocking and balancing them.

Understanding the Throat Chakra

The fifth chakra, known as Vishuddha, is found right at the bottom of your neck, almost in the central region of your throat. This place of energy is associated with communication, self-expression, and the capacity to speak truthfully. A balanced throat chakra symbol is the key to truthful and specific communication within the individual and with others.

A deep blue or turquoise color also serves as the throat chakra stone, a symbolic representation that indicates that the element is either ether or space. Typically, these symbols consist of a hexagram (with a downward-pointing triangle representing the element of ether) and a circle with sixteen lotus petals.

Once the throat chakra becomes obstructed or off-balance, one can face difficulties in self-expression, listening to others, or finding one's voice. This can appear as frequent throat inflammation, throat pain, or hoarseness. Some other signs include a fear of speaking and making a remark, extreme shyness, or a tendency to put thoughts and feelings aside. Communication issues, both verbal and non-verbal, may occur when this chakra is unbalanced.

Affirmations and Mantras for Thorat Chakra Healing

Affirmations and mantras are powerful tools that help through vibrations brought by words or sounds chanted to open, balance, and activate the throat chakra. Some effective practices include:

  • "I can identify myself with words, images, spaces, and colours."
  • I convey what I stand for with courage. I do so with compassion and in a respectful manner.
  • "With the might of words, I can create wings to take me higher, wings to treat the wounded, wings to empower the downtrodden, wings to fly!"

A constant repetition of these positive statements can reprogram the mind to erase all the limitations it has in its own expression and communication.


  • The "HAM" seed (Beeja mantra) is associated with the throat chakra's element of ether/space. It is said that vibrating this sound can encourage and harmonise Chakra Vishuddha.
  • The seed mantra, "SHAM," is associated with purifying speech and self-expression through the right medium.
  • Intoning the divine Vedic sound "OM" blasts all chakras, let alone the throat centre.

Many spiritual practices propose pairing these mantras with visualising the throat chakra's blue/turquoise hue or the lotus symbol for expanded effectiveness. Moreover, we can record a variety of blessings and all the things we are grateful for in a journal and release them through spoken words anytime we want.

Yoga Poses and Breathing Exercises

Some yoga poses and breath regulation methods will foster and illuminate the throat chakra region. Some effective practices include:

  • Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana): By changing the head's orientation from the traditional upright position to a reclined one, the pose helps open up the muscles around the neck and throat area, thereby improving blood flow and energy into the throat chakra.
  • Fish Pose (Matsyasana): This bow stretch opens the throat, chest, and shoulder, removing tension and unwanted Vishuddha region blockages.
  • Lion's Breath (Simhasana): The awe-inspiring cyclic inhaling and frontal tongue stretching in this breathing process can discharge mighty mental obstacles caught in the throat.
  • Ujjayi Breath (Victorious Breath): When diaphragmatic breathing is used, a slight vibration in the throat is generated, representing the mediation of and activation of the throat chakra.

Practising these asanas and pranayams will help maintain balance and open Vishuddha energies.

Crystals for Healing the Throat Chakra

While gemstones can be a great tool for assisting with throat chakra healing, choice and timing are everything. Some of the most commonly used crystals include:

  • Blue Lace Agate: This stone, which is a soothing shade of blue, is described as best for promoting enlightened and straightforward communication, providing mental calmness, and reducing stress.
  • Aquamarine: Responsible for speech clarity and comfort, among other things, it is, in fact, called a "Speaker's Stone." Thus, it helps overcome the fear of public speaking and express oneself honestly.
  • Turquoise: This stone is also known as a spiritual cleanser. It helps remove the blocks in the throat chakra, enabling the proper flow of communication.

Most professionals suggest you put these healers on your throat before a meditation session and wear them as jewellery so that you can enjoy their vibrational frequencies throughout the day.

The Sacral Chakra and Its Connection

The sacral chakra, popularly known as Swadhisthana, is found in the lower abdomen or just above the navel. This energy centre is associated with the generation of new ideas, love and sex, feelings, and relationships. A smooth-flowing sacral chakra can facilitate a healthy expression of desires, feelings, and intimate relationships.

The sacral and throat chakras are interrelated, which is reflected in their mutual dependence on the sacral centre's creativity and the throat chakra's freedom of speech and emotions.

Signs of an imbalanced/blocked sacral chakra

When the sacral chakra is blocked or off-balance, people might suffer from discomfort in certain areas of life. Some common signs include:

  • Emotional volatility, sudden mood shifts or emotional detachment.
  • Faced with a lack of inspiration to create or a sense of being in a "rut".
  • Weakened sexual desires or inability to maintain healthy relationships and intimacy.
  • Reproductive health issues, malfunctions, or allergic reactions.
  • The urge to become addicted or develop inflexible thinking patterns.

As reported in a study published in the Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, this kind of imbalance can also manifest as lower back pain, digestive complications, or urinary tract issues.

Unblocking the Sacral Chakra

As the points of connection between creativity, sexuality, and emotional openness, the sacral chakra is assigned that responsibility. Partaking in hobbies or exercises that align with these traits can be essential for the functioning of this chakra. Some effective practices include:

  • Dance and Movement: In return, belly dancing, ecstatic dancing, or even just moving your body to the sound of the rhythm will help you let go of stuck energies in this area. The free-flowing movements, as well as the beat and body connection, can be deeply cathartic and healing.
  • Creative Pursuits: Meditation and yoga are two effective ways to activate the sacral chakra and release its hidden creative potential. Additionally, pursuing hobbies and expressing oneself through painting, sculpting, writing, or music are all powerful ways for the sacral chakra to be unlocked to release its creative energy.

Art therapy, as a discipline, is seen as an effective way to connect to our inner selves and as a means of expressing our emotions.

  • Tantric Practices: If the tantric techniques are handled pleasantly with the help of a mentor, certain tantric practices can help people connect to their sensual centres and overcome obstructions in the sacral chakra. Techniques like Tantric massage or sacred sexuality rituals are being appreciated more and more in the West.
  • Spending Time in Nature: Whether gardening, hiking, or just being exposed to the natural surroundings, the body is able to find its own equilibrium.

Balancing Both Chakras

The throat and sacral chakras are inextricably linked. The other can't be accessed when one is suppressed (throat chakra). Both share the ability to fully reveal your inner self, thoughts, emotions, and creativity (throat chakra) by activating the embracing, sensual energies of the sacral centre. A perfect balance between these two chakras is the key to living a truly healthy and happy life. It is one of the most significant lessons you can learn as a growing spiritual being.

The International Journal of Yoga's investigation revealed that chakra-centered meditation in yoga is good for mental health. While the researchers observed the participants practicing chakra meditation for a particular duration, they showed positive effects like better emotional regulation, emerging creativity, better communication skills, and a balance of emotions and physical wellness.


The throat and sacral chakras are very responsible for our ability to open ourselves creatively and express ourselves honestly. When we grasp the performance of these energy meridians and turn to the signs of imbalance, we can assume power-driven measures and release and align the unhealthy meridians.

Besides affirmations, yoga postures, crystal healing, artistic endeavours, and chakra meditations, these principles can be powerful means of healing the throat chakra for proper communication and the sacral chakra for emotional wellness and creativity. Nevertheless, it is imperative to be open-minded yet critical at the same time by consulting the instructors if needed.

Balancing the throat and sacrum Chakras might eventually help one awaken to a more profound level of personal alignment, sensuality, and inner fulfilment. This journey of chakra balancing can enable us to find our true voice, have a flourishing creative outlet, and, most importantly, find inner peace.

Reviewed by

Dr. Rajashri Sonti Cropped.jpg

Dr. Rajashri Sonti

Ayurveda Physician 





