The Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners


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The Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners



The Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners

Published on February 22nd 2024

Table of Contents


. What is a chakra? A little introduction to chakra healing for beginners


. Now, let’s discuss the 7 chakras—their signs, symbols, & symptoms.


. Conclusion

Earlier, it was believed that the seven chakras were all an ancient myth, and their philosophy only existed to help oneself grow spiritually stronger. But over the decades, scientific studies erupted and quite widened the perception of chakras and what their roles are in the human body.

Most of them hinted that chakras could possibly stand for multiple micro-networks inside the body, which might have a direct or indirect impact on immunity, physical and mental health, emotional regulation, and more.

They could also have a direct bearing on human psychology—who knows? We definitely need more research to put our finger on it and confirm!

What is a chakra? A little introduction to chakra healing for beginners

Chakras, in Sanskrit, literally translate to “spinning disks or wheels” that run the chariots of rulers, who are termed Chakravartins. But does it matter to the human body? Well, yes! They are believed to be wheels of energy located along the spine, contributing effectively to maintaining an individual’s physical, mental, and emotional health.

Scholars associate each distinct chakra with the nerve centers, organs, and glands that are specifically found in the region where it is located. Numerous factors, including the environment, dietary practices, lifestyle, previous experiences, etc., play a crucial role in coordinating the chakras to attain a balanced state.

So, if a chakra is imbalanced, there can be two outcomes—it can either leap into a hypoactive or a hyperactive mode.

  • A hypoactive chakra is a blocked chakra that doesn’t function adequately.
  • A hyperactive chakra, on the other hand, means there is an unbridled influx of energy into or across its region of location. This creates an imbalance in the optimum energy flow throughout the human body.

Now, let’s discuss the 7 chakras—their signs, symbols, & symptoms.

1) Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra)

The Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners

Symbol: A four-petalled lotus embraces a square, which again has an inverted triangle floating inside it and holding an almost central position.

The lotus, square, and triangle signify the core layers of the human mind and how they unite in function and activity to give birth to human consciousness.

Location: The root chakra is found at the base of your spine, between the anus and genitals. It is associated with survival instincts and emotions, the desire to pursue ambitions and gain stability, and the idea that you are self-sufficient and can fulfill all your goals in life.

Color: Red

The element that the chakra represents is: Earth

In case you have a blocked or imbalanced chakra: There is a lack of stability, ambition, and clarity in your life. You may feel out of place, not very secure about the decisions you take or choices you make, frustrated, or fearful. If you have had similar experiences, it's time you started paying attention to your root chakra.

How do you know if you've got a balanced chakra? Confidence, stability, and balance in your life give you more courage. Yes, you harvest positivity and let it channel through your mind and body—feeling strong, independent, and enthusiastic.

To activate or heal the chakra:

1. Mantra: "Lam"

Mantras are words or sounds repeated to help establish and bolster one’s concentration during meditation.

2. Yoga Poses: To nurture the root chakra, one can try doing the tree pose (or Vrikshasana) and the mountain pose (or Tadasana).

2) Svadhishthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra)

The Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners

Symbol: The Sacral Chakra is made up of multiple circles, a crescent moon, and a 6-petalled lotus flower.

Now, the circles and crescent moon depict the repeated cycles of life, death, and reincarnation. The six petals illustrate the six negative aspects of your individual nature that you need to recognize and eliminate so that the sacral chakra gets awakened to its full potential.

Location: The Sacral Chakra dwells in the lower abdominal region. To get a more specific stance on this, place 4 fingers below your navel, and there you will find this chakra.

This chakra takes care of your basic sexual needs; it is a rich spring that propels your creativity and self-esteem.

Color: Orange

The element that the chakra represents is: Water

In case you have a blocked or imbalanced chakra: You may obsessively think about sex; feel irritable, ready to explode at any given time; or feel exhausted or drained out. There could be some acute hindrance to your creativity, or you may act manipulatively.

How do you know if you've got a balanced chakra? If you are happy, positive, and satisfied with how events are turning up in your life, you are in control of your body and mind. Being compassionate to yourself and others around you; having the intuition to recognise early patterns or warning signs.

To activate or heal the chakra:

  1. Mantra:"Vam";

2.Yoga Poses: Also known as the Navel Chakra, you can balance it by practicing the Crow Pose (or Kakasana) and the Triangle Pose (or Trikonasana).

3) Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra)

The Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners

Symbol: A 10-petalled lotus flower carries an inverted triangle inside it.

The 10 petals denote the ten negative traits commonly associated with humans that one should defeat to succeed in life. Plus, the triangle is the Agni Tattva (i.e., fire of abundant energy) present in your Kundalini or navel.

Location: This chakra sits in the solar plexus region, between the navel and bottom of your rib cage. It is characterized by extreme and sometimes aggressive emotions of anger, ego, etc.

Color: Yellow

The element that the chakra represents is: Fire

In case you have a blocked or imbalanced chakra: If your Solar Plexus Chakra is not functioning smoothly, you may suffer from physical ailments such as digestive or liver problems and diabetes. It may also affect you mentally, causing depression, anger mismanagement, not having enough self-esteem, or constant struggles with perfectionism.

How do you know if you've got a balanced chakra? When you are confident about yourself, focused and determined to accomplish your daily and long-term goals, and feeling productive and buzzing with positive energy,.

To activate or heal the chakra:

  1. Mantra: "Ram"

2.Yoga Poses: If you wish to kindle your Solar Plexus Chakra, the following yoga poses can help:

  • Classical Forward Bend (or Paschimottanasana)
  • Classical Cobra Pose (or Bhujangasana)
  • Bow Pose (or Dhanurasana)

4) Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra)

The Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners

Symbol: Here, we have two triangles intersecting to form the Yantra that stands for the balance between Yin and Yang (i.e., two opposing forces, in which Yang moves upward and Yin moves downward). Surrounding the triangles is a lotus flower with 12 petals that are symbolic of the 12 divine characteristics defining the heart.

Location: It is, as the name suggests, located in the heart. The heart chakra is termed more. The center of balance. It engages with emotions of love, attachment, compassion, trust, and more.

Color: Green

The element that the chakra represents is: Air

If you have a blocked or imbalanced chakra, you may tend to get angry more often, feel jealous, anxious, fearful, or restless about another person, event, or activity. Different moods attack you frequently, not being able to calm yourself down, and also lacking trust in yourself, family, or friends.

How do you know if you've got a balanced chakra? If you have an optimistic perspective on life, feel motivated to work and attain your daily goals, and are friendly and compassionate towards your family and peers, your heart chakra is spinning at a good speed.

To activate or heal the chakra:

  1. Mantra: "Yam"

  2. Yoga Poses: The Half-Bridge Pose (or Ardha Setu Bandhasana) and the Fish Pose (or Matsyasana) are said to yield good results for the Heart Chakra.

5) Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Chakra)

The Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners

Symbol: For the Throat Chakra, we have a 16-petalled lotus flower warmly housing an inverted triangle that, again, has a circle resting within its three sides. This is emblematic of spiritual growth.

Location: It is said to exist at the base of your throat, lying in harmonious alignment with the thyroid gland.

The Throat Chakra is all about the efforts you put into purifying your body, mind, and soul. It is associated with feeling inspired, interacting well, expressing healthily without hesitation, etc.

Color: Blue

The element that the chakra represents is: Space

In case you have a blocked or imbalanced chakra, it may happen that you often withdraw yourself from conveying your thoughts, grow quiet, feel weak and timid—all these are symptoms that you need to work on your throat chakra.

How do you know if you've got a balanced chakra? Creativity flows through your body and mind; expressing yourself without holding back; nothing impeding your communication skills; fully satisfied with yourself.

To activate or heal the chakra:

  1. Mantra: "Ham"

  2. Yoga Poses: To revive the Throat Chakra, it is advised to rehearse the Shoulder Stand Pose (or Sarvangasana) and the Plough Pose (or Halasana). One of the easiest chakra-balancing techniques, yoga can set you free from the mental and emotional inhibitions weighing you down.

6) Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra)

The Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners

Symbol: It is an inverted triangle enclosed in a circle, which in turn hosts two lotus petals on its diametrically opposite sides along a horizontal axis.

Location: The Third Eye Chakra is present between the two eyebrows. It serves as a focal point to build more concentration while doing the yoga asanas.

According to a popular traditional belief, the more we heal this chakra, the greater chances we collect to erase the karma of our past lives and to move towards liberation. The Third Eye chakra is associated with intuition, self-knowledge, and intelligence.

Color: Indigo

Element that the chakra represents: None

If you have a blocked or imbalanced chakra, you may experience a lack of confidence or be afraid to take new steps to succeed. Sometimes, you can become just the opposite and grow egotistical. Other symptoms include headaches, straining of the eyes, and unclear vision.

How do you know if you've got a balanced chakra? You will appear more confident and bright and be inclined to develop a positive outlook on life. Less attachment to materialistic things.

To activate or heal the chakra:

  1. Mantra: "Om"

  2. Yoga Poses: It is recommended to practice the Headstand Pose (or Shirshasana) to revive the Third Eye Chakra.

7) Sahastrara Chakra (Crown Chakra)

The Complete Guide to the 7 Chakras for Beginners

Symbol: A ring made of scores of lotus petals, the diameter of each layer of petals growing as it goes from the center outward. Plus, the circular core of this ring is made of an inverted triangle.

Location: The Crown Chakra is positioned at the crown of your head. It is the primary hub for instilling spirituality, enlightenment, and dynamism in your thoughts and energies. This chakra allows for the inside movement of wisdom and helps you become aware of the universal consciousness.

Color: White and Violet

Element that the chakra represents: None

In case you have a blocked or imbalanced chakra: When your Crown Chakra isn’t working the way it should, you are in deep trouble. You may constantly feel frustrated or melancholy. Or, you may even lose yourself to destructive emotions and thoughts, such as anger.

How would you know if you've got a balanced chakra? You are able to adapt a bright and clear viewpoint of the world at large and also of your immediate surroundings, no matter how difficult a situation you are in. Heightened spiritual understanding and immense gain of inner peace are two easy ways to assess the health of your crown chakra.

To activate or heal the chakra:

  1. Mantra: "Aum"
  2. Yoga Poses: You can try the Headstand Pose (or Shirshasana) to vitalize your Crown Chakra.


In ancient spiritual techniques, excelling at awakening the 7 chakras of the body can bring about spiritual enlightenment. Plus, these chakras are an integral part of other religions too.

Several chakra healing techniques are available to bring balance to the chakras in your body. They comprise focusing on a balanced diet, practicing yoga asanas (body postures), breathing and meditation exercises, and, of course, mastering the art of performing mudras (elaborate hand gestures in yoga).

It is true that at this point, we lack compelling scientific evidence to uphold or validate all aspects of the age-old 7-chakra system. But the techniques that people use to unblock or activate the chakras have shown considerable positive results when it comes to achieving a state of relaxation, contentment, and well-being.

It is safe to say that therapies based on stimulating chakras and energy healing can be used as complementary aids when necessary and as per regulations, in addition to standard medical treatments.


Reviewed by

Dr. Rajashri Sonti

Ayurveda Physician 





