20 Ways to Make Your Life More Environmentally Friendly In 2024

#Eco-friendly living

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20 Ways to Make Your Life More Environmentally Friendly In 2024



20 Ways to Make Your Life More Environmentally Friendly In 2024

Published on July 8th 2024

Table of Contents


. What is environmentalism?


. What is the need to deal with environmental problems?


. Human health


. Climate Stability


. Sustainable living


. A healthy environment for future generations


. Some ways to be sustainable in everyday life


. Use energy wisely


. Opt for plant-based diets


. Choose eco-friendly cleaning products


. Cut out plastic


. Fix the products instead of throwing them away.


. Do not blind-shop


. Make your home green


. Think carefully about family planning


. Boycott those products that may harm wild animals


. Switching to digital use


. Reduce water waste by fixing leaks and taking shorter showers


. Donate and buy used clothes, furniture, and other items


. Reduce air travel. Instead, opt for trains and buses


. Be mindful of your digital carbon footprint by limiting unnecessary emails and cloud storage


. Adopt green practices


. Always support eco-friendly brands


. Inform others about the importance of being environmentally friendly


. Look out for solutions to environmental problems


. Harvest rainwater for garden use


. Conclusion

Have you ever imagined a world where everything humans do is in harmony with nature and doesn't hurt the planet at all? A life that is full of environmentally friendly products and the world stays free from man-made damage!

It is possible to many extents if you learn how to save your environment from the negative effects that our day-to-day lives contribute to the world.

What is environmentalism?

Environmentalism is the process of reducing human activities on Earth that may otherwise become harmful to the planet.

When individuals become eco-friendly and start caring for the planet, they eventually start being good friends with Earth. Such people who work hard to protect the world are referred to as environmentalists.

They are in charge of protecting the environment. From making sure they take care of plants and animals to following reduce, reuse, and recycle methods, these environmentalists take responsibility for keeping the planet secure, healthy, and green.

What is the need to deal with environmental problems?

Several compelling reasons play an important role in helping us address environmental issues. They are:

1. Human health

Air and water pollution can affect human health in several ways. Individuals may have to deal with respiratory diseases, heart disease, and other health problems.

When you look after the environment and address the issue, you can improve the quality of life and reduce healthcare burdens.

2. Climate Stability

Emissions from consumption are a significant driver of climate change and have a wide range of impacts on the environment.

Moreover, it leads to extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and disruptions to food and water supplies. Hence, action is needed right away.

3. Sustainable living

Another reason to deal with environmental concerns is that, by doing so, you encourage more sustainable living practices.

It can make our lifestyles more in harmony with the planet.

4. A healthy environment for future generations

Taking steps now to solve environmental problems ensures that the planet we pass on to our children and grandchildren will be healthier, safer, and full of life.

Some ways to be sustainable in everyday life

Want to make a real difference in the world? On your own, you may perform tasks, be they small or big, to help the environment.

Let’s see some ways to save the environment.

1. Use energy wisely

It doesn’t matter if you are at home, at some relative’s place, or in your office; saving energy should be your top-notch priority. You must turn off the lights and electronic devices when not in use.

Additionally, choose energy-efficient appliances that can help you save money while protecting the environment.

2. Opt for plant-based diets

While a plant-based diet can help you stay fit and improve your overall health, it also has environmental benefits.

These food choices can lower your carbon footprint compared to meat-heavy diets.

3. Choose eco-friendly cleaning products

Several cleaning products on the market that are eco-friendly contain harmful chemicals that may cause water pollution and damage biodiversity.

Switching to organic, nontoxic cleansers, on the other hand, can reduce toxic chemicals and packaging waste in your home.

4. Avoid using personal vehicles for short-distance trips

According to the UN Environmental Programme, “95 percent of the world's transport energy still comes from fossil fuels.”

It is thus recommended to use public or shared transport so that it can help reduce emissions.

5. Cut out plastic

For our regular shopping needs, we make use of plastic, especially plastic bags. However, cutting down on it may help you live an eco-friendly.

Opt for canvas bags instead of plastic bags. Do not buy a packed water bottle; rather, refill it with the one you have.

6. Fix the products instead of throwing them away.

Often, when our products, especially electronics, get damaged, we think of throwing them away or buying a new one.

However, you should fix or repair them to use them again. This way, not only will you cut down on money, but you will also save the environment.

7. Do not blind-shop

Buying new products means leaving an environmental footprint. The more humans buy, the more they end up making waste.

We thus advise everyone to follow the “reduce, reuse, and recycle” mantra. Also, you should consider doing second-hand shopping.

8. Make your home green

Check out your home for adequate insulation and energy-saving windows. Next, make sure you use a programmable thermostat for more efficient heating and cooling.

If possible, install rooftop solar panels. Try to do all that is in our hands to protect the environment.

9. Think carefully about family planning

When you start thinking about family planning, understand that slower population growth can ease pressure on resources like water, food, and energy.

Family planning plays an important role in environmental sustainability. Partners must thus discuss the number and spacing of their children.

10. Boycott those products that may harm wild animals

Boycotting products harmful to wildlife and the environment helps protect biodiversity, conserve habitats, and reduce pollution.

It also pressures companies to adopt sustainable and ethical practices. Lastly, it makes the planet healthier for future generations.

11. Switching to digital use

Are you still using paper for most of your work? Well, you must save them and go digital for stuff like writing a diary, sending letters, and doing assignments. There are several apps available on your devices to download for these tasks. Download it and make a difference to solve paper production’s negative impacts.

12. Reduce water waste by fixing leaks and taking shorter showers

It doesn’t matter if you have sufficient water facilities at your place or not; you must be responsible and avoid water waste. If there is a leaking issue at your place, fix it. Do not leave the water tap open for a longer time. Take shorter showers as water isn’t free.

Producing new clothing and furniture requires significant resources and energy. Hence, if you don’t require the existing items, donate them. Reusing used items can reduce our environmental footprint.

14. Reduce air travel. Instead, opt for trains and buses

Firstly, know that air travel is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. Yes, it is a convenient and fastest method to reach where you wish to, but it does harm our climate. Henceforth, try to opt for trains and buses, especially if they are electric, to commute.

15. Be mindful of your digital carbon footprint by limiting unnecessary emails and cloud storage

The storage and transmission of digital information require massive data centers. So, limiting the amount of data you store and transmit can help reduce the overall energy consumption of these data centers.

16. Adopt green practices

Green practices involve everything mentioned above, in addition to more and more environment-friendly practices. In short, use less energy and opt for non-toxic products. This leads to cleaner air and water, benefiting both human health and the environment.

17. Always support eco-friendly brands

Those who are taking the initiative to go eco-friendly must not be overlooked. Support such brands by replacing your regular toxic products with eco-friendly brand products. You may even share it with your close ones and encourage them to go green too.

18. Inform others about the importance of being environmentally friendly

One must always share good information with others, especially if it solves a problem. Moreover, environmental challenges like climate change and pollution require a collective effort. By informing others, you raise awareness and inspire them to take action. Even small changes from many individuals can have a significant impact.

19. Look out for solutions to environmental problems

Now that you already know its importance, try to find solutions to simple environmental problems. For example, one may purchase local and seasonal products to support sustainable practices and reduce their carbon footprint. Think of more such solutions and share them with everyone you know.

20. Harvest rainwater for garden use

The last tip includes harvesting rainwater for garden use. By using rainwater, you're conserving a precious resource and reducing your overall water footprint.


As humans, it's not possible for us to follow all the suggested tips in one go. However, we can try to practice them one after another to safeguard our planet.

Understand that living eco-friendly aligns with a global movement towards sustainability, where every action counts towards creating a better, more sustainable world.


Reviewed by

Ar. Vinay Manchala

Architect & Environmentalist





