Living Green: Practical Tips for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

#Eco-friendly living

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Living Green: Practical Tips for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle



Living Green: Practical Tips for an Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Published on July 10th 2024

Table of Contents


. Tips for an eco-friendly lifestyle


. The 3 R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle)


. Sustainable choices each day


. Control eating choices


. Plastic is a big no


. Trap of fast fashion


. Design an eco-friendly home


. Travel environment conscious


. Conclusion

Imagine living in a lush, green environment where flora and fauna surround you. The breeze is gentle, and all you experience is the love and care of Mother Nature.

Sorry to wake you up to reality, but this can only happen in a dream because our Mother Nature no longer looks like this

As per the report from the World Counts:

  1. 27% of coral reefs have been destroyed.
  2. 5–10% of tropical forest species will add their name to the extinct category every decade.
  3. With each passing hour, 1692 acres of productive dry land become desert.

As threatening as these facts are, there is more to them. We, at the individual level, are constantly ignoring this issue. But it’s high time we change this. Adapting to eco-friendly living can be the first step to contributing positively to the growth of the environment.
Dive deep into the blog to understand how to achieve an environmentally friendly life.

Tips for an eco-friendly lifestyle

1. The 3 R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle)

This is the golden rule of a person: choosing to live a greener life. It includes:-

  • Minimizing waste through conscious consumption.
  • Choose reusable products over single-use items.
  • DIY and upcycle products to decrease waste in landfills.

This mantra can help you have an environmentally friendly lifestyle and:

  • Decrease the toxic waste in the environment.
  • Optimally utilize the resources available.
  • Divert waste from landfills.

2. Sustainable choices each day

Sustainability is the act of consuming something while preserving it for future generations. Green life supports the idea of sustainability. Here are some of the ways to be sustainable in everyday life that can be adapted in real life:

  • Reduce carbon footprint by choosing eco-friendly modes of transportation.
  • Use electric vehicles or carpools to reduce your dependence on fossil fuels.
  • Promote greener communities by using environment-friendly products.
  • Switch off electrical devices when they are not in use.

3. Control eating choices

The food we consume has a profound impact on the environment we live in. Choose organic, plant-based foods to support sustainable agriculture. Avoid eating a diet high in animal products, such as meat.

Meat is bad for the planet’ due to:

  • Clearing space for cattle ranching causes deforestation.
  • Forests are destroyed for meat production due to the release of carbon emissions.
  • Industrial meat production contributes to the extinction of habitat and the use of toxic pesticides.

4. Plastic is a big no

Plastic is everywhere. From polythene bags to packaging material, it is evidently everywhere. As per the report:

  • Humans produce 430 million metric tons of plastic annually.
  • 2/3 of this is short-lived plastic that soon becomes waste.
  • More than 280 million tons of short-lived plastic become waste each year.

All of this is filling our landfills faster than we can imagine. At the individual level, one can:

  • Avoid single-use plastic products.
  • Reuse or repurpose plastic until it can be no longer used.
  • Take your bags to the grocery store to avoid plastic bags.
  • Purchase locally sourced products to avoid plastic in packaging and transportation.

5. Trap of fast fashion

We all wish to look fashionable and put our best foot forward. Fast fashion has become increasingly common. It involves the rapid design, production, and marketing of clothing. It allows retailers to offer large quantities at low prices. But this fashion is harmful to the environment. As per the data:

  • the fast fashion industry is the second-largest consumer of water.
  • It accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions.
  • 35% of microplastics in the ocean come from the laundering of synthetic textiles.

There are not only environmental concerns but also societal issues such as child labour, unsafe workplaces, and exploitation of labour.

Slow fashion is the response to it. To adapt it into daily life and promote an eco-friendly lifestyle, one can:

  • Make conscious consumption and buy clothes that promise longevity.
  • Reuse or upcycle clothes to extend the life span of clothing.
  • Choose brands that use eco-friendly materials and implement energy-efficient manufacturing techniques.

6. Design an eco-friendly home

Home is where we spend the most time and the place where our conscious choices of a green lifestyle can prosper. One must plan to have an eco-friendly and energy-efficient home.

The following steps can be taken to maximize energy efficiency and minimize environmental impacts:

  • Have large windows and light-coloured walls to reduce the need for artificial lighting.
  • Choose top-notch insulation and material for walls and floors to improve thermal performance.
  • Having solar plants is a big yes to utilizing the natural source of energy.
  • Use energy-efficient LED bulbs to consume less energy.

7. Travel environment conscious

Travel helps you experience and explore. Travel with an environmentally conscious mindset. Make sure that, while exploring new destinations, you minimize the environmental impact.

Some of the ways to travel with environmental awareness are:

  • Reuse towels and linen to reduce water and energy consumption.
  • Avoid disturbing wildlife, and support responsible wildlife tourism.
  • Reduce waste footprint by avoiding disposable and excessive packaging.
  • Leave no trace while you travel. Pack your trash, dispose of it properly, and leave natural areas as you found them.


Choosing an eco-friendly life is the need of the hour. Our environment is in a bad state, and it is high time that we make conscious choices to not deteriorate it any further. With the ever-increasing population and pollution, the earth has become home to forest fires, exploited natural resources, extinct species, and a lot more.

Our small actions can lead to compounding big results. From reducing carbon footprints to supporting environmentally friendly devices, each step leads us closer to a cleaner and more successful world for generations to come.

Pledge to start the green life from today and contribute your bit towards the environment


Reviewed by

Ar. Vinay Manchala

Architect & Environmentalist





