10 mindfulness exercises for everyday emotional well-being

#Emotional wellness

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10 mindfulness exercises for everyday emotional well-being



10 mindfulness exercises for everyday emotional well-being

Published on December 23rd 2023

Table of Contents


. Benefits of Exercises


. Physical benefits


. Mental and emotional health benefits


. Mindful Breathing


. Mindful eating


. Mindful mini-breaks


. Kickstarter to the day


. Practicing gratitude


. Digital Detox


. Mindful Walking


. Body scanning


. 4-7-8 mindful breathing


. Have healthy conversations


. Conclusion

In this fast-moving era, we are constantly in a race to surpass others, and the thing we have lost the most is our emotional wellness. We daily battle outbursts of emotion but do not address them. Digital distractions and constant competition have made us overlook mindfulness.

It is the healthy art of training our minds to be present in the moment. It is the practice of eliminating thoughts and distractions and practicing living in the 'now'.

Let us dive deep to understand the list of exercises that we can practice to embark on the journey of mindfulness and live a happy life from the inside out.

Benefits of Exercises

Let us first understand the benefits of practicing the exercises. These exercises have both physical and mental health benefits.

Physical benefits

  1. It reduces stress and various associated health issues.
  2. It helps to improve the sleep cycle, which keeps you fresh and energetic throughout the day.
  3. It helps your body fight multiple illnesses and improves immunity.

Mental and emotional health benefits

  1. It helps to bring peace to your mind, body, and soul.
  2. It helps to attain emotional balance and improves mental and emotional health.
  3. It helps to improve decision-making power and cognitive function.

1. Mindful Breathing

Breathing is the kickstart to mindful exercises. Find a quiet space, sit down comfortably with your back straight, and gently close your eyes. Focus on your breath and notice how it flows naturally. Try to focus just on your breath, and if your mind tries to wander, bring the focus back to breathing.


  • It alleviates stress and calms the mind.
  • It reduces anxiety and increases focus.

2. Mindful eating

You are what you consume. One must indulge in mindful consumption. Paying attention to the smell, texture, and taste of every bite helps you eat mindfully. It adds fun to your culinary delight and enhances the overall experience of balanced and healthy consumption. Mindful eating helps you have a sound gut and keeps your digestive system intact.


  • Promotes healthy eating habits.
  • Reduces overeating and eating junk food mindlessly.

3. Mindful mini-breaks

Days are hectic. But you must try to take time for yourself. Every few hours, take short breaks to pause and practice deep breathing. Try to focus on your breath and keep track of your senses and movements. Try to have 3 to 4 breaks in a day. Even a 2-minute mindful break can help you with your emotional wellbeing.


  • A mini-mindful break promotes self-reflection and aids in emotional regulation.
  • It enhances productivity and keeps your mind under control.

4. Kickstarter to the day

Having a mindful start with all positive thoughts can help. One must have a 5-minute routine to practice meditation. These 5 minutes will help you be mindful of all the activities of the day. Also, paying attention to the initial movements of the day changes the game for good. It keeps your mood uplifted and maintains your emotional health.


  • It ensures a greater sense of calmness.
  • It improves concentration and keeps you motivated the entire day.

5. Practicing gratitude

In a life full of complaints and problems, practicing gratitude can help. Write down a few things each day for which you are grateful. It shifts your focus toward optimism. It reduces negative emotions and makes you feel content.


  • Increases satisfaction with life.
  • Cultivates a positive mindset and increases happiness.

6. Digital Detox

Detach from electronic devices and social media for fixed hours of the day. Engage in activities that do not require screens, such as gardening, walking, painting, and cooking, and realize that there is a world outside the virtual digital world.


  • Reduces screen-related stress and digital pressure.
  • It helps you live in the present moment and embrace the true moments of life.
  • It also improves the quality of your sleep.

7. Mindful Walking

A daily walk can change your life, and a mindful walk can transform it. For a mindful walk, one must pay attention to each step and feel the ground beneath. Try to observe your surroundings while walking, and do not get lost in your thoughts. You can start with a short walk of 15-20 minutes and increase it at your convenience.


  • It makes you physically fit.
  • Encourages awareness in the present moment.

8. Body scanning

Lie down comfortably and close your eyes. Relax your body. Start with your toes and gently shift your focus to each body part. Notice the sensations and movements, and try to release the tensions. Try breathing when you encounter tension.


  • It improves the quality of sleep and the overall sleep cycle.
  • Enhances the awareness of bodily sensations.

9. 4-7-8 mindful breathing

This is a deep breathing technique. Find a quiet place with your back straight. Gently close your eyes and follow the below-mentioned steps:

Inhale for a count of four

Hold for a count of seven

Exhale for a count of eight.


  • Eliminates trouble sleeping and improves the sleep cycle.
  • It prevents stress and increases calmness.

10. Have healthy conversations

Communication can help build bridges, and speaking your feelings can help to maintain emotional wellness. It nurtures empathy and understanding. Offering your full presence to the speaker nurtures deep connection and faith.


  • Prioritizes active listening
  • Nurture deep connections by showing genuine interest in the speaker.


Our emotional well-being must be a priority. One must make intentional choices for emotional wellness. The above-mentioned exercises can help to deal with the complexities of the modern world, and the small gestures can accumulate to compound emotional wellness. Inculcating mindfulness into our lives can help us be present in the moment, enhance empathy, and formulate deeper connections. Starting with some of the exercises in your daily routine can make a huge difference.

So, what are you waiting for? Get set to go and start your journey towards being an emotionally strong human.


Reviewed by

Dr. Sangeeta Hatila

Neuro Psychiatrist 





