10 natural ways to improve your mood

#Emotional wellness

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10 natural ways to improve your mood



10 natural ways to improve your mood

Published on August 14th 2024

Table of Contents


. How do you boost your mood?


. Sun bathing


. Being grateful


. Laugh out loud


. Connect with people


. Aromatherapy


. Music therapy


. Explore your artistic side


. Hot-baths:


. Progressive muscle relaxation:


. Happy gut, better mood:


. Why are natural mood enhancers effective?

Has the pressure been getting to you lately? Feeling stuck, or worse, spiraling? Looking for ways to improve your mindset, outlook, and mood?

Well, then you've found the jackpot!

Let's examine, together, 10 sure-shot ways to improve your mood naturally.

Natural mood and energy boosters also get brownie points for their additional holistic benefits!

How do you boost your mood?

Let us look at natural mood boosters that are simple to implement and can become a part of your everyday routine to add an extra touch of wellness to your lifestyle!

1. Sun bathing

Sunshine? Sunshine.

Did you know that when you spend time under the sun at the right time, you can effectively boost your mood? Exposure to sunlight can naturally improve both mood and energy levels, which can help you feel better about life in general and more energetic to tackle challenges.

Sunlight improves mood by activating Vitamin D, which is useful in mood regulation. It also helps release endorphins, which are popular feel-good hormones that our body naturally produces. In addition to Vitamin D and endorphins, as an extra piece of love from nature, sunshine can unlock our body's circadian rhythms, thereby reducing the risk for SAD, or seasonal affective disorder.

2. Being grateful

What if all you needed to feel good was a few minutes?

Practicing gratitude is one of the simplest and most powerful ways to improve your mood. In a world where social media makes people feel like they have less and comparing yourself to celebrities is rampant, life has become very sad.

But you can switch and flip these feelings by practicing gratitude. Gratitude is said to be one of the most powerful feelings there are. Imagine the wonders that a few minutes of reflecting on all the good and all the small blessings in your life could have on your outlook.

3. Laugh out loud

LOL, there's no way that's going to work. Or is there?

Laughter is the best medicine. If you can't keep the blues in any more, laugh them out. Disconnect from work for a while, and watch your comedy. What's the science behind it, you ask?

Laughter unlocks the motor cortex, which relaxes facial muscles and releases built-up tension from our body. It also stimulates the limbic system, which activates natural neurotransmitters like dopamine, endorphins, and serotonin, which reduce anxiety and improve mood.

4. Connect with people

Man is a social animal. No matter how mentally and emotionally strong you are, you need people around. Especially when you feel low and vulnerable. Being around others can help with a sense of belonging, which makes you feel less lonely, and it can provide you with some much-needed perspective.

Sometimes, problems are not as big as they seem to be, and all you really need is a kind ear to listen patiently.

Venting your feelings in a healthy and supportive environment like a friend group or even a support group can feel like a huge weight off your chest.

5. Aromatherapy

Diffusers, humidifiers, and candles. Lavender, citrus, peppermint, bergamot, and more. Take your pick!

Aromatherapy and essential oils are a great way of boosting mood naturally, and it gets better. They can also promote sleep, improve skin health, and improve respiratory health!

Smells hold powerful feelings. They bind to olfactory receptors, which transmit signals to the brain, which improve mood and regulate emotions. Aromatherapy can also promote a sense of wellness, which has a positive impact on your lifestyle and your mental health.

6. Music therapy

Did you know singing or listening to your favorite tunes can scientifically make you feel better? Firstly, music can help stimulate neurotransmitters and hormones like endorphin and dopamine, which have been established to increase positivity and improve mood.

Combined with this, music therapy can also help with cognitive function by activating regions of our brain that are in charge of emotion and memory, thereby giving music the ability to evoke an emotional response of nostalgia and comfort, thus regulating mood.

Music can also help promote neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s natural ability to adapt to stress and change, which can lead to not only better moods but even improved responses.

7. Explore your artistic side

Creative outlets have long been known to increase our brain’s capabilities and encourage balance and the release of emotions.

Creative pursuits and hobbies are not only a fun distraction, but they can also help you work through difficult feelings and provide an outlet for healthy expression. But did you know that creative activities can actually influence your brain’s internal functioning to create a positive impact?

Art and its scientific backing are very powerful. Creativity engages your prefrontal cortex, which is tasked with decision-making and mood regulation. It also decreases something called the default mode network (DMN), which is responsible for tendencies like negative self-talk and worrisome thoughts.

Another fascinating thing that creativity does is influence brain wave activity. It encourages alpha waves, which are associated with being relaxed, and discourages beta waves, which are associated with high levels of anxiety. Thus influencing our brain function, creative pursuits have an overall positive impact on mood.

8. Hot-baths:

Have a spa day at home. Sometimes all you need to feel better is a self-care session. And what’s better than a long soak in warm water with essential oils and bath salts to gently care for your skin as you relax? Warm baths are known to release muscle tension, ease body pains, and promote healthy sleep as well.

Warm bubbly baths also stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system, which is in charge of countering the body’s stress response and stress hormone cortisol, thereby naturally promoting relaxation. A bubble bath can also do something amazing called ‘vasodilation’.

This is a process by which warm water can dilate blood vessels to actually reduce blood pressure and improve blood circulation within the body. This means you can literally soak your stress away and have a self-care session all in one go!

9. Progressive muscle relaxation:

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a technique used to manage stress by releasing muscle tension by consciously tensing and relaxing different muscle groups in the body. This effectively reduces muscle tension and promotes relaxation in the body. It helps ease the physical symptoms of stress and anxiety, like pain and stiffness.

PMR also helps improve overall well-being and sleep quality. By dealing with symptoms of anxiety, it is able to effectively improve mood. A guided audio is available for the practice of PMR on various wellness websites and applications, as well as on Youtube.

10. Happy gut, better mood:

Did you know that digestional discomfort and not getting adequate nutrition can also cause irritability and fatigue?

Eating foods that are rich in all types of nutrients and taking fresh meals, including lots of colorful foods in your diet, can ensure that you get adequate nutrition and greatly improve your mood. Vitamins, minerals, and essential fats are all required to naturally regulate neurotransmitter function, leading to better moods, more energy, and an overall better lifestyle!

Why are natural mood enhancers effective?

Natural mood enhancers are more effective because they take a more holistic and wellness-oriented approach. In the sense that they work to improve mood by enabling the body’s natural mechanisms, like regulating neurotransmitters and providing the body with enough nutrients to solve any underlying issues that may be causing stress and anxiety.

It also motivates you to make lifestyle improvements, which can add to an overall sense of achievement and positivity. Wield the power of natural mood boosters to carve the path to happiness!


Reviewed by

Yashi Sonthalia

Counseling Psychologist





