Reiki for Sleep: Enhancing Relaxation and Deep Restorative Practices


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Reiki for Sleep: Enhancing Relaxation and Deep Restorative Practices



Reiki for Sleep: Enhancing Relaxation and Deep Restorative Practices

Published on January 19th 2024

Table of Contents


. What Is Reiki Therapy?


. How Does Reiki Promote Good Sleep?


. Reiki Promotes Relaxation


. Reiki Has a Calming Effect on the Mind


. Reiki Works against Stress and Anxiety


. Reiki Dispels Negative Energy and Eases Tension


. Reiki Helps You Attain Holistic Wellness


. Reiki Helps Balance the Chakras


. How Do I Practice Reiki for Sleep?


. 5 Reiki Symbols to Help You Perform Self-Reiki


. Cho Ku Rei


. Sei He Ki


. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen


. Dai Ko Myo


. Ra Ku


. Wrapping Up

Do you often have trouble falling or staying asleep? Would you like to try an energy-based approach to induce good sleep and overall wellness?

If your answer to these questions is yes, then you have arrived at the right place. This blog article will help you become familiar with the essentials of reiki for sleep and overall wellness.

What Is Reiki Therapy?

Reiki therapy has its roots in the Japanese tradition, with the word reiki meaning universal life energy. It is believed in the discipline of energy medicine that an imbalance of life energy can manifest itself in the form of physical and emotional issues. The transfer of reiki energy to the recipient of the therapy can heal their body and mind.

The benefits of reiki include:

  • Relaxation
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Pain reduction
  • Helpful against anxiety and depression
  • Better overall quality of life

Having gained a basic idea about reiki therapy, let us now explore its relevance in terms of sleep quality.

How Does Reiki Promote Good Sleep?

Reiki therapy can be helpful against insomnia for a variety of reasons. We will cover them here.

A. Reiki Promotes Relaxation

Reiki practices induce a state of relaxation that can be described as something halfway between being awake and being asleep. You may also fall asleep during a reiki session because of its relaxing effect on the mind and body. In this respect, reiki may be considered a more effective practice than standard relaxation techniques.

Reiki therapy finds use as a nursing practice to promote wellness and relaxation and to reduce stress, with the understanding that it affects both the practitioner and the recipient positively.

B. Reiki Has a Calming Effect on the Mind

Reiki healing is known to calm your racing thoughts and impart mental clarity, both of which contribute positively to your mental well-being. Since your sleep quality depends on the state of your mind, reiki therapy can have a positive effect on both.

C. Reiki Works against Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are known enemies of good sleep, and countering them is essential to improving both sleep quality and quantity. Reiki practices help reduce stress and anxiety and are thus beneficial for sleep-related issues.

A study of 40 university students with symptoms of depression and anxiety came to the conclusion that Reiki has a positive impact on sleep, stress, anxiety, and general mood.

D. Reiki Dispels Negative Energy and Eases Tension

Sleep-related problems may result from an energy blockage or imbalance that can also lead to other physical and emotional health-related problems. Additionally, the accumulation of negative energy and tension in the body is believed to cause illnesses. Reiki as an energy healing modality can help you restore the balance of life energy and clear the negative energy from the body, improving your physical and emotional health.

E. Reiki Helps You Attain Holistic Wellness

Getting good sleep is an integral part of any holistic wellness strategy, and practices like reiki that promote better sleep quality also generally help you get closer to your holistic wellness goals.

F. Reiki Helps Balance the Chakras

The chakras are the energy centers in the body and affect all aspects of your health—physical, emotional, and spiritual. Insomnia, along with other physical and emotional issues, can be a result of an imbalanced chakra. The third-eye chakra is believed to influence your sleep quality as it is located in proximity to the pineal gland, which is responsible for the production of the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. Reiki can be used for balancing or unblocking the chakras in the body, thus helping with sleep issues caused by the disturbed chakras.

Now that you know how reiki therapy promotes good sleep, it is time to get to know the practice better.

How Do I Practice Reiki for Sleep?

To get started with reiki therapy for sleep improvement, you can follow the steps given below.

  • Lie down on a mat with your body relaxed.
  • Place your hands on the areas where you think there is accumulated negative energy or tension interfering with your sleep.
  • Visualize healing energy being transferred to your body through your hands. You may imagine it as a warm light permeating your body. Focus your attention on this active healing process.
  • Conclude by expressing gratitude to the reiki energy, yourself, and the people who helped you learn and adopt reiki.

You can enhance your self-reiki experience by playing soothing reiki music and using reiki symbols. We will next go through the common reiki symbols and how you can use them for healing purposes and getting better sleep.

5 Reiki Symbols to Help You Perform Self-Reiki

Reiki symbols come in handy to get the body and mind ready for the healing experience of reiki therapy. You can draw them on your hands, visualize them, or say them out loud during reiki practices. Some commonly used reiki symbols believed to enhance the healing process are:

1. Cho Ku Rei

Reiki for Sleep: Enhancing Relaxation and Deep Restorative Practices

It serves as a power symbol and can be used to dispel the negative energy or tension present in the body. You can invoke the cho ku rei symbol at the start of your reiki healing session as a means of boosting life energy.

2. Sei He Ki

Reiki for Sleep: Enhancing Relaxation and Deep Restorative Practices

This is the harmony symbol and is used to attain emotional balance, along with being a protective symbol against negative energy.

3. Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen

Reiki for Sleep: Enhancing Relaxation and Deep Restorative Practices

The distance symbol, hon sha ze sho nen, helps a reiki master send healing energy across space and time during a distant reiki session.

4. Dai Ko Myo

Reiki for Sleep: Enhancing Relaxation and Deep Restorative Practices

It is the master symbol and assists in healing the upper chakras, the aura, and the soul, along with aiding the reiki practitioner in achieving spiritual enlightenment.

5. Ra Ku

Reiki for Sleep: Enhancing Relaxation and Deep Restorative Practices

This acts as a grounding symbol at the end of reiki spiritual healing therapy and promotes the absorption of the healing energy received during the session by the body and the mind. Reiki practitioners also use the ra ku symbol to rid themselves of any unfavorable energy they may have picked up from the recipient during the session.

Wrapping Up

Reiki therapy can be a good complementary treatment method for sleep-related issues, given its non-invasive, gentle healing approach. Moreover, the benefits of reiki expand far and wide, encompassing areas such as pain relief and anxiety reduction. Consult your doctor if you are planning to start with reiki therapy along with standard medical treatment. Consulting an experienced reiki practitioner will also help when you are a newbie to energy healing practices.


Reviewed by

Dr. Rajashri Sonti

Ayurveda Physician 





