Published on June 27th 2024

20+ Positive Affirmations To Use Any Time For Confidence, Self-Care & More in 2024

#Mental health

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20+ Positive Affirmations To Use Any Time For Confidence, Self-Care & More in 2024



20+ Positive Affirmations To Use Any Time For Confidence, Self-Care & More in 2024

Table of Contents


. Affirmations for Boosting Self-Confidence


. Work/Career


. Public Speaking/Presentations


. Body Image/Appearance


. Daily positive affirmations for Cultivating Self-Love


. Positive affirmations for anxiety and Stress


. Declarations for Attracting Affluence and Achievement


. Conclusion

In a world where we are usually constantly moving to meet deadlines and achieve our goals, positive self-talk and affirmations have become necessary to maintain our mental health and self-acceptance. An abundance of research has demonstrated that the daily affirmation practice can significantly impact how we think, how confident we feel, and our state of mind in general.

This blog focuses on the beautiful and positive powers of affirming oneself daily. It explores how affirmations can boost self-confidence, instill self-love, help one manage anxiety and stress, and even make wishes and dreams magically come true.

Powerful daily affirmations are very short yet undeniably potent statements that one repeats internally or out loud to confirm negative thought patterns and reinforce our positive convictions about ourselves and our abilities.

Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky, a primary researcher in the field of positive psychology, asserts that "affirmations can recondition our brains to think more positively as well as feel better about our own selves over time."

Affirmations for Boosting Self-Confidence

Considering affirmations that help you boost self-confidence and develop self-belonging, positive ones can easily fit the bill. Here are some affirmations you can use to increase your self-confidence in various areas of life:


  • "I am highly skilled and good at what I do."
  • "I confront the challenges of this world with full hope and relish seeking new adventures."

Public Speaking/Presentations

  • "I am a competent and confident presenter."
  • "I am proficient in making my ideas clear."

Body Image/Appearance

  • "I love and embrace my body in all its construction."
  • "My looks are by no means a reflection of my value."

Positive affirmations are the best approach because they help build self-confidence and strengthen self-esteem. A 2014 study in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology identified the consequences of self-affirmation on one’s academic performance.

The researchers found that students who focused on acknowledging their positive attributes before taking the test reported high self-confidence and performed better than those who did not do affirmation exercises (Cohen & Sherman, 2014).

Daily positive affirmations for Cultivating Self-Love

Self-love is equally essential as self-acceptance because it is a top priority for well-being and living an authentic life. Renowned self-love advocate and writer Sebene Selassie says, "Self-love has nothing to do with mere feeling good. You draw a state of appreciation from action that supports your physiological, psychological, and spiritual growth."

Here are some affirmations to help foster self-love:

  • "I am beautiful inside and out."
  • "I love myself and never fail to cut myself some slack."
  • "I am worthy of love, respect, and happiness."
  • I shine with a glow of self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • "I am proud to own all my skills and abilities."

A recent study published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology has shown that practicing self-love affirmations can significantly affect individuals' mental health by improving body image and self-esteem. The study was based on female participants with a negative body image. They were asked to repeat self-affirmative statements like "I am beautiful" and "I love and approve my body" to themselves daily for four weeks.

Positive affirmations for anxiety and Stress

Using positive affirmations can be helpful in managing anxiety and stress because they usually draw one's mind inward and away from worries. Here are some powerful affirmations to use:

  • "I feel calm and centred within."
  • "I choose peace over worry."
  • "I let go of my anxious thoughts and embrace peace."
  • "I take every breath as a gift of tranquility and serenity."
  • "I am at peace, and everything is simply put to work for me."

Research-backed tips on incorporating affirmations into your daily routine for stress relief:

  1. You can complete the first step of your day with a positive affirmation. Carefully recite the encouraging affirmations to yourself while you are still in bed to quickly regain the compass and be ready for the day (Roden, 2021).
  2. Practice affirmations with mindfulness exercises. Integrating affirmations into your mindfulness/meditation routine will reflect a process of relaxation and learning how to live in the moment (Sha'ree et al., 2019).
  3. Create affirmation reminders. Write down affirmation notes on your phone and put them in place so you can spot them occasionally, or set alarms on your phone to go off and remind you of the affirmations you should repeat.
  4. Practice affirmations when stress escalates. Exhaling and repeating calming messages to oneself can be an excellent technique for dealing with anxiety and chaos. These messages can lead one to feel in control and at peace.
  5. Conclude your day with some “me-time” and affirmations. Before bed, you can use a quick affirmation practice where you give yourself a break from the day's stresses and recharge your mind for excellent sleep (Roden, 2021).

Declarations for Attracting Affluence and Achievement

Research favouring positive thoughts and affirmations has grown in number, suggesting a strong link between the two. A landmark study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology highlighted that students who engaged in positive thinking and self-affirmation exercises before taking the test scored significantly higher than those who didn’t (Creswell et al., 2005).

The researchers suggested that encouraging better adaptation strategies and raising self-worth can guard athletes from the harmful effects of stress and contribute to their performance promotion. Here are some powerful affirmations to help cultivate a mindset of abundance and success:

  • "I attract success and good fortune into my life on this mission."
  • "I can succeed in all areas of life and live the fulfilling life I deserve."
  • "I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, as my cup overflows with abundance."
  • "Day by day, I witness my dreams turning into reality with my concentrated efforts and optimistic thinking."
  • "I am determined to engage in and enjoy those possibilities for getting smarter and advancing my career."


Positive affirmation affects us via its unique ability to shape our mindset direction, to be against our limiting beliefs, and to build self-esteem, resilience, and optimism. The same results will be achieved as we keep saying nice words to acknowledge our positive attributes, beauty, and greatness by continuously saying such nice things to ourselves.

Our thinking patterns will then gradually be rewired, and we will eventually start seeing a better, more beautiful, and more abundant reality for us.

This route to self-love, confidence, and success might not be simple, but affirmations are just perfect for it; they provide powerful energy where you can motivate and re-energize yourself. Remember that the words you say to yourself have a huge impact.

Hence, be careful with your choices, utter them with all the self-confidence you've got, and watch how they literally translate into what you experience in your life.

Reviewed by

Dr. Sangeeta Hatila Cropped.jpg

Dr. Sangeeta Hatila

Neuro Psychiatrist 





