Published on June 22nd 2024

10 Natural Remedies to Relieve Anxiety to Find Peace the Holistic Way

#Natural remedies

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10 Natural Remedies to Relieve Anxiety to Find Peace the Holistic Way



10 Natural Remedies to Relieve Anxiety to Find Peace the Holistic Way

Table of Contents


. Breathwork


. Stay in the ‘now’


. Spend some time in nature.


. Positive self-talk


. Natural anxiety medication


. Lifestyle upgrades


. Have an anti-anxiety ritual


. A relaxation routine

Psychologists often define anxiety as a disproportionate response to stressors in our environment. In other words, a mild stressor may cause a high level of panic or a heightened state of anxiety that is more severe than the stressor itself.

Past experiences, or even imbalances in neurotransmitters and their activity, can cause this disproportionate response from someone dealing with anxiety. The causes of anxiety are wide, and it has many types, such as GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), panic disorders, social anxiety, and even certain phobias.

Anxiety and its troublesome group of friends cause hindrances to our day-to-day functioning. Anxiety can interfere with important parts of mental activity like problem-solving, decision-making, and even creativity, as it inhibits our capacity to see anything past the anxious thoughts and irrational fear we may experience. This creates a cloud of anxious thoughts and mental fog that loom over these important cognitive activities.

Today, anxiety is a pretty common problem, and thanks to awareness on platforms like social media, people are now at least acknowledging that they have this mental health issue. That is the first step on any journey—identifying the natural ways to treat anxiety.

Now that we have identified the problem that is to be solved as anxiety, what is the second step?

The next step is exploring different avenues by which we can holistically heal anxiety, improve our resilience to mental health issues, and promote overall well-being.

The obvious remedy that comes to mind is professional help or medication. Your guide to 10 natural remedies for anxiety!

Let us embark on a journey to examine the natural cures for anxiety.

1. Breathwork

Deep breathing exercises have long been part of concepts like meditation and yoga. Deep breaths help calm the heart rate and promote a sense of relaxation.

This is why, when doing something stressful, for example, if you are afraid of getting an injection, the doctor might tell you to relax and take a deep breath. You might say, “Well, it is difficult to relax on command!” Which is why the deep breath.

Abdominal breathing allows more oxygen to enter the body and counters the body’s stress levels. It is a way of telling your mind that everything is going to be okay. It is useful when you feel a wave of anxiety suddenly overwhelm you. By focusing on your breathing, you take away some of the focus from the anxious thoughts running through your mind.

The activation of the relaxation response in your body is just a bonus!

2. Stay in the ‘now’

This is also known as being mindful. It simply means focusing all your energy on being in the present moment and being fully aware of your conscious self in the present moment. By doing so, you are being'mindful’ and ‘in the moment’, which allows you to let go of fears and anxiety.

Mindfulness can be practiced in many ways, including meditation, observational meditation, journaling, and even just sitting in a quiet place and shutting down all thoughts except the present moment and everything around you.

Another benefit of being mindful is that it also allows us to appreciate the gift of the present moment and marvel at the beauty of the little things around us. It offers a refreshingly positive outlook on life.

3. Spend some time in nature.

A great natural treatment for anxiety is finding time to be with nature. Nature always has a mysterious way of uplifting us with its love and beauty. Take a walk in a garden with pretty flowers. Admire the rain clouds and raindrops. Plan a weekend at the beach.

Spending time with nature is found to be rejuvenating and immensely relaxing. The sense of belonging to something larger than us provides perspective and has a way of magically making the huge mountain of a problem look like a little speedbump.

4. Positive self-talk

Consciously putting positive thoughts in your mind will help kick out some of the negative ones. Positive self-talk can be whatever you feel like you need to hear the most when you are feeling anxious. It could be a simple ‘I’ve got this’ or something more specific like ‘I am going to do so well in this meeting’. It can help you elevate your self-image and confidence.

Positive self-talk also helps break the pattern of anxious thoughts and ensuing panic. It helps build emotional resilience and foster a relationship of compassion with yourself.

5. Natural anxiety medication

Natural medicine for anxiety includes herbal supplements and herbal products that can help by encouraging the body’s natural response to stress, such as lowering cortisol levels and helping with neurotransmitters and mood-boosting hormones like dopamine and serotonin.

Natural supplements like lavender, chamomile, ashwagandha, lemon balm, vitamin D, valerian root, magnesium, passionflower, and omega-3, just to name a few, may help with anxiety naturally by regulating mood, neurotransmitter activity, hormonal balance, restful sleep, and promoting better overall well-being.

6. Lifestyle upgrades

Simple lifestyle upgrades can help you feel better about yourself and simultaneously improve your mental health. Here are some examples to inspire your lifestyle:

  • Get restful sleep.
  • Eat more nutritious meals.
  • Pick up a new hobby.
  • Get a little exercise every day.
  • Journaling difficult feelings.
  • Practice gratitude.
  • Limit processed foods, sugars, caffeine, and alcohol
  • Other addictive substances

7. Have an anti-anxiety ritual

This ritual is your personal set of practices that help you calm down your nerves and prepare yourself to deal with anxiety better. This can be a set of random practices that help you feel more grounded, like taking a sip of water, deep breathing, getting a snack, meditating for a few seconds, clearing your desk, practicing self-care, or repeating affirmations.

Doing this ritual every time you feel anxious will help train your mind to calm down during the ritual. It is an empowering way to promote relaxation and reduce stress.

8. A relaxation routine

Make some time in your daily routine to relax and practice self-love! Take an hour from your schedule to unwind and give yourself a break from the hustle.

Practicing self-care, meditation, listening to a self-help podcast, reading a good book, catching up with a friend, going for a walk, and taking a relaxing bath. These are a few examples of inspiring your own routine!

Engaging in these wholesome practices can help you promote a better mental state and contribute positively to your overall well-being.

These natural remedies for anxiety are designed to improve your well-being holistically. They can help not only target and heal mental health issues and anxiety but also contribute to better overall health.

Start your healing today with these natural cures for anxiety. If nothing works, take advice or help from experts.

Reviewed by

Dr. Sangeeta Hatila Cropped.jpg

Dr. Sangeeta Hatila

Neuro Psychiatrist 





