Law of attraction: Exploring the 12 Universal Laws That Shape Our Reality

#Law of attraction

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Law of attraction: Exploring the 12 Universal Laws That Shape Our Reality



Law of attraction: Exploring the 12 Universal Laws That Shape Our Reality

Published on July 6th 2024

Table of Contents


. The list of laws


. The law of divine oneness


. The law of vibration


. The law of correspondence


. The law of attraction


. The law of inspired action


. The law of perpetual transmutation of energy


. The law of cause and effect


. The law of compensation


. The law of relativity


. The law of rhythm


. The law of gender


. How do you apply these 12 spiritual laws of the universe in your daily life?


. Breakdown of laws


. Observe and align


. Practice daily


. Have patience


. Conclusion

Do you often think about the laws that govern our existence? We, as individuals, do multiple things daily, consciously and unconsciously. What judges our actions? How are our actions connected? The 12 universal laws that reveal the interconnectedness of everything provide answers to all these mysteries.

Delve deep into the blog to understand the 12 laws of the universe and how they contribute to our lives.

The list of laws

Check out the 12 spiritual laws of the universe below with their brief explanation.

1. The law of divine oneness

This law is the foundational law. This law explains that everything in this big universe is somehow connected. All our actions, thoughts, emotions, and experiences have a ripple effect. It all reverberates through the cosmos. Interconnectedness is the wider truth that we must embrace.

2. The law of vibration

This law explores the dynamic nature of the universe. It states that everything in the universe is always in motion and has different frequencies. Every thought, feeling, and action has its own frequency and the ability to influence reality. Positive thoughts and actions vibrate at a higher frequency.

3. The law of correspondence

As above, below summarizes the core of this principle. This law suggests that our actions are bound to be repeated. The actions that we follow each day subconsciously become our pattern and have a major impact on our lives.

4. The law of attraction

The most famous of all the 12 spiritual laws is the law of attraction. This law says that our thoughts and energies have power. They act as magnetic forces and draw similar energies into our lives. Thoughts must vibrate at a level that attracts what we are seeking. Our desires must be aligned, and our beliefs must be strong.

5. The law of inspired action

There must be a conscious effort behind every belief. This law states that concrete changes must be made in our day-to-day lives to accelerate the manifestation process and turn our dreams into reality. We must take proactive steps to make our visualizations happen.

6. The law of perpetual transmutation of energy

Energy is never stagnant. It is always in a state of flux. This law states that everything in the universe is constantly evolving at an energetic level. This means that we can change the condition of our lives by transforming our energy. When we surround ourselves with a positive friend, vibrating at high frequency, his positivity triggers our energy to shift at higher frequency.

7. The law of cause and effect

Every action has an equal reaction. This law explains that every action we take has an outcome effect. Every action or thought sets a cause in motion, which eventually returns to us as an effect. The popular saying “Do good, have good” best describes the law.

8. The law of compensation

This law states that the universe works on the principle of balance and harmony. We get compensated for our actions. Our efforts and deeds are rewarded for the energy we invest. It returns not just in the form of financial compensation but also in the form of love, friendship, companionship, and kindness that we put out into the world.

9. The law of relativity

This law suggests that everything is neutral. It is our perceptions and ideologies that add meaning to it. We compare things that happen to us and around us and designate them with titles, but in reality, these are all neutral things.

10. The law of polarity

This law explains the duality of life. It explains to us that everything has an opposite. Every experience and feeling has both positive and negative aspects, and our perceptions and notions help us identify which aspect we focus on.

11. The law of rhythm

Life is a series of cycles and seasons. Change is inevitable, and in our lifetimes we will experience ups and downs, joys and sorrows with greater ease. This law explains that nothing is permanent except change. Everything in this wide world has its rise and fall.

12. The law of gender

We do not talk about gender here, but masculine and feminine energies. We encompass biological distinctions and focus on balancing energies. This law explains to us that both energies are important for creation and growth. Feminine energy is more nurturing, while masculine energy is more driven. To have a balance, we need to have a balance of both of them.

How do you apply these 12 spiritual laws of the universe in your daily life?

I am presenting you with some of the tips that you can follow to apply these 12 laws of karma into your daily life

1. Breakdown of laws

Have a clear understanding of laws. Know about them and their effectiveness. Get familiar with the meanings and their interpretations.

2. Observe and align

Be attentive to various laws and know their alignment. Align your thoughts and actions with these principles.

3. Practice daily

Be clear about the intentions, and then use the power of laws through visualisation, meditation, and gratitude to harness intentions into reality. It can only be done by practicing daily. Take small steps daily and see the compounding results in the long run.

4. Have patience

Results don’t come overnight; practice daily and take tiny steps towards your intentions. With perseverance, you can achieve what your heart desires.


After knowing about the 12 universal laws of the universe, we stand at the threshold of new knowledge and how to use them for our welfare. These timeless principles stand as a testament to the fact that our beliefs can transform our lives.

There is a profound interplay between our conscious thoughts and reality. With each thought, we pave our way to the future. Having knowledge about these principles can help you make the right changes in your life. Practice mindfulness and manifestation to achieve your desired results.

Try to maintain your vibrational frequencies and align them with your thoughts. Make sure that your thoughts have the power to become reality. So, consciously choose to do right.

Believe in good, do good, and let the good times roll!


Reviewed by

Dr. Sangeeta Hatila

Neuro Psychiatrist 





