Published on April 18th 2024

Elevate Your Well-Being with Better Mind Vibes' Self-Care Routines


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Elevate Your Well-Being with Better Mind Vibes' Self-Care Routines



Elevate Your Well-Being with Better Mind Vibes' Self-Care Routines

Table of Contents


. Self-Care Routines: The Central Pillar of Human Vitality


. Self-Care Activities: Tending to the Psychic Well-being


. Cultivating Self-Awareness: Steadfolding Self-Care Point


. Taking Care of Yourself: A Resolve to Master Self-Love


. Conclusion

Caring for our minds and bodies is usually the last thing we worry about in our hectic modern lifestyles. Multitasking between work, family, and social life is tiring and often leads to burnout. Nonetheless, it boils down to self-care being necessary for physical appeal, well-being, and mood enhancement.

Better Mind Vibes is a vibrant community with a mission to try to share authentic mental health, wellness, and mindfulness perspectives with the world. Each team member becomes instrumental in creating content to help you navigate a balanced, stimulating, and supportive environment.

Applying self-care daily has a powerful, transformative impact on yourself. For self-care, having a personal routine is a great way to stop stress, promote mental clarity, and improve self-confidence and general well-being.

By feeding your mind, body, and soul, you are directed to self-awareness and self-loving connections, enhancing your success in all aspects of life.

Self-Care Routines: The Central Pillar of Human Vitality

Simply put, self-care rituals are the specific set of activities we do on purpose to provide and restore the physical, mental, and emotional resources we constantly use. These routines are made up of a variety of self-compassion activities. Some of these activities are straightforward, while others are scheduled to ensure that they cover the individual’s needs.

It is indisputable that self-care habits have a great deal to do with one's mental health and well-being. In the opinion of Dr. Gail Saltz, a well-known psychotherapist, "Self-care is not something to be used on rare occasions; it's a deliberate step to be taken consistently. It is an element that serves as the foundation for building resilience, proper stress management, and overall health."

Taking care of one's body and mind is beneficial. Let's take, for instance, the life journey of Oprah Winfrey, the media mogul and philanthropist. In one interview, Oprah described how her self-centered approach, involving meditation, journaling, and exercise, has been the most significant factor in dealing with stress while remaining self-care.ake time to care for yourself, you are not being selfish," claims the author.

Self-Care Activities: Tending to the Psychic Well-being

At Better Mind Vibes, it is clear that self-care is a multi-faceted affair, and our community allows exploration of this broad spectrum through different activities for the mind, body, and soul. Here are some of the self-care practices we highly recommend:

1. Physical Well-Being

  • Mindful Movement: Introduce mindful activities such as tai chi, yoga, etc., paying particular attention to how movement and breathing interact. Not only does it improve flexibility, but it also gives you perspective on your mind.
  • Nature Immersion: Spend some time outdoors to work on yourself. One can engage with nature wherever—whether on a leisurely stroll in the park or on a weekend hike. In fact, there are well-proven positive outcomes for both physical and psychological health.
  • Holistic Nutrition: We all know that the golden rule of a healthy lifestyle is to embrace good, wholesome food. Take a deep dive into whole food nutrient-dense choices and talk to a nutrition professional about tailoring your diet to your personal requirements.

2. Mental Well-Being: Feeding Your Mind

  • Daily Mindfulness: Integrate short moments of mindfulness into your day-to-day. This may be as easy as devoting some time to breathing and mindful eating to help you remain in the present.
  • Sleep: Not only is sleep essential to our physical health, but it is also essential to our mental health, as there is mounting data that supports this notion. It has been shown that a lack of sleep or inadequate sleep may significantly boost negative emotional reactions to stimuli while simultaneously decreasing good feelings.
  • Creative Expression: Get involved with a creative hobby, for example, art, writing, or music. Through creative expression, emotions are liberated, and the mind is purged of mental obscurity.
  • Digital Detox Rituals: The best way to relax is to take time off from technology, so devote some portions of your day to it. Establish a special zone free from media that helps your brain relax. This can be a place where you can work on yourself and restore your inner self.

3. Emotional Well-Being: Tune in to Your Feeling.

  • Gratitude Journaling: Set aside a few moments each day to think over what you already have rather than what you lack. Indeed, this easy habit can significantly change how you perceive and think about what you don't have and refocus you on what you have.
  • Therapeutic Practices: Include holistic healing methods such as aromatherapy or sound therapy. Through experiencing these senses, physical balance can be a robust emotional balancing point.
  • Social Connection Rituals: To cultivate genuine bonds, plan regular chats with your close acquaintances or even form a club with people enjoying a common entertainment sphere. Psychological help is one of the essential components of self-care strategy.

4. Spiritual Well-Being for Better Health: Indulge in Yourself

  • Meditation and Mindful Breathing: Learn how to cultivate inner peace through meditation. Try various methods and determine what works best for you, whether guided meditation, transcendental meditation, or loving-kindness meditation.
  • Sacred Spaces: A space you can call all yours to assess where things went wrong and where you can improve can be set up. It could be a cozy setting, such as in your home or a peaceful garden. Designing a sacred area will give you a deeper spiritual connection and a safe haven for self-contemplation.
  • Volunteerism: Performing small acts of thoughtfulness. Volunteering to help people becomes a source of meaning, and living within the community enriches your soul.

Cultivating Self-Awareness: Steadfolding Self-Care Point

Awareness of oneself is the fundamental pillar of any positively functioning self-care strategy. With solid comprehension, we can provide the needed care and emotional and mental support, making it easier to pinpoint our problems.

Self-awareness is the cornerstone of cultivating our inner landscape, and thus, it creates inner awareness about our responses and any specific areas that need support or care.

A paper from the Journal of Research in Personality (Sutton, 2016) focused on the connection between self-awareness and subjective well-being while examining an adult sample of 238 people.

The study concluded that those who have higher degrees of private self-awareness (awareness of internal conditions like thoughts and emotions) exhibited life satisfaction and a better mood, along with low levels of depression, negative affect, and distress.

It was determined that the practice of self-monitoring, especially private self-awareness, is a motivating factor for achieving a higher level of personal satisfaction by facilitating self-regulation, promoting adaptive coping strategies, and helping to establish a more intrinsic core.

Taking Care of Yourself: A Resolve to Master Self-Love

Self-love is perhaps the most critical aspect of self-care. When we treat self-care as our own priority, we unconsciously prove our self-love and respect. Our healthy minds, bodies, and souls symbolise that we matter and are entitled to love, compassion, and nurturing.

The late poet and activist Maya Angelou masterfully conveyed the relationship between self-love and self-care, noting, “I discovered that one of its other benefits is that it liberates the soul of the giver.” Therefore, caring for ourselves frees our souls and enables us to resonate with our true selves.

Dedication and intentionality are the main factors contributing to creating a self-care habit in our everyday lives. Here are some practical strategies to incorporate self-care ideas as an act of self-love:

  • Schedule self-care time: Consider self-care an essential appointment not up for negotiation, just as you do for other important things such as meetings or significant events.
  • Create a self-care toolkit: Create a resource of activities, resources, and items that you enjoy and that comfort you, for example, a novel you really like, a blanket you love, or a playlist that helps you relax.
  • Practice self-compassion: Give yourself the same love and care you would have given a dear person. Explore your vulnerability and concentrate on your wins.
  • Set boundaries and assertiveness: Adopt saying no to duties or requests that are not necessary and will always drain your energy or affect your well-being. But don’t miss out on the first things to be justified.
  • Seek support: Surround yourself with a motivating atmosphere designated to your needs. Your close friends, family members, medical professionals, and communities that can support you on your self-care journey may all contribute to this.

The transformative power of self-love is beautifully encapsulated in the words of the iconic actress and comedian Lucille Ball: "Love yourself first, and everything after that will be alright. You can confidently step into the world once you love and accept yourself without reservation or doubt."


In today’s straining world, self-care is essential for achieving self-awareness, self-love, and ultimately the growth of well-being. At Better Mind Vibes, we believe that holistic self-care incorporating mind-body methods is about caring for your mind, body, and soul.

One way to do so is by utilising focused motion, artistic mediums, and reflections. These enable us to unlock our potential for deep and genuine living.

We would like to invite you to go through our Better Mind Vibes resources and participate as a member of the friendly community we are creating that is committed to conquering the art of self-care.

With the words of Audre Lorde in mind, "self-care is self-preservation, and that act is political warfare," let self-care be a way to fight for yourself and a meaningful, joyful, and authentic life.

Reviewed by

Dr. Sangeeta Hatila Cropped.jpg

Dr. Sangeeta Hatila

Neuro Psychiatrist 





