Published on April 8th 2024

Embracing Sustainable Living for a Balanced Coexistence with Nature

#Eco-friendly living

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Embracing Sustainable Living for a Balanced Coexistence with Nature



Embracing Sustainable Living for a Balanced Coexistence with Nature

Table of Contents


. Why Should You Care About Being in Harmony with Nature?


. 9 Practices You Can Adopt to Live Sustainably in Harmony with Nature


. Conserve Energy


. Reduce waste


. Walk or Cycle


. Avoid Plastics


. Save Water


. Eat Responsibly


. Contribute to Conservation Efforts


. Optimal Usage of Resources


. Educate Others


. Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature: an Option or a Duty?

We all view nature differently; some of us consider ourselves a part of it, while for others, nature is a separate entity. Depending upon your understanding of nature and its components, you may be inherently inclined to care for it or need some facts and convincing for the same. Whatever the case may be, it will help to know how to live sustainably in harmony with nature.

In this article, we’ll explore an essay on living sustainably in harmony with nature.

Why Should You Care About Being in Harmony with Nature?

We depend directly on nature for our existence, whether we appreciate that or not. Even though modernity and industrialization have removed us from a life where nature directly affects us, we still rely on its resources to survive.

This should instill in us a sense of gratitude toward nature and make us sensitive to its degradation. The destruction of nature leads to a number of problems, such as climate change and rising sea levels, that are going to make our future survival difficult.

Human development needs to be redefined by emphasizing the need to treat nature and other living creatures fairly, says Yanfen Wang, professor of ecology at the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. We cannot be developed unless our lives become reconnected and in balance, cooperation, and harmony with nature, she adds.

Sustainable living is a part of the sustainable development goals, and at its roots lies an awareness of how our lifestyle choices impact the world and what we can do to make life for everyone better.

What changes in your lifestyle can help you achieve the goal of sustainable living, making you a responsible resident of the planet Earth? We’ll cover some key ways to live sustainably next.

9 Practices You Can Adopt to Live Sustainably in Harmony with Nature

Here are some points that you can include in your daily life to be a more responsible consumer and citizen.

1. Conserve Energy

We rely on different energy sources like petroleum, coal, natural gas, and nuclear fuel for our daily needs. All of these are non-renewable sources of energy, which means that there are only limited stocks of them available in nature. Moreover, extracting and using them (with the exception of nuclear energy) pollutes the environment.

Nitrous oxide, a harmful pollutant, is largely generated from burning fossil fuels (coal, gasoline, and natural gas) in industries and automobiles, according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

About 60% of US electricity production depends on fossil fuels, highlighting the need for responsible use of electric appliances and systems. Some steps that you can take to conserve energy include:

  • Switch off lights and appliances when they are not needed.
  • Use vehicles that provide high fuel economy.
  • Install programmable thermostats in heating and cooling systems.
  • Choose energy-efficient electrical appliances.

2. Reduce waste

Making small changes in your way of doing things can help reduce waste generation. You can do it by:

  • Turning organic waste like kitchen leftovers and farm and garden waste into compost.
  • Making cleaning rags out of old, unusable clothes and using them instead of paper towels.
  • Planning your meals will try to help you buy the right quantity of grocery items.
  • Going for digital receipts and documents instead of printing them.
  • Cleaning or replacing your car’s air filter to improve its gas mileage.
  • Try using menstrual cups or reusable cotton pads instead of disposable tampons.
  • Donate your old clothes that are in good shape to a charitable organization.
  • Recycling old tires or reusing them as swings or pet beds.

3. Walk or Cycle

Walking or cycling for short distances instead of driving can help you stay healthy, keep gas expenses lower, and reduce your contribution to air pollution. Daily walking or cycling can help reduce the risks of:

  • Cardiovascular disease by 10%
  • Cancer-related deaths by 30%
  • Type-2 diabetes by 30%

4. Avoid Plastics

According to the Plastic Pollution Coalition, more than eight million tons of plastic end up in the oceans each year, polluting them. Also, as plastics are manufactured from petroleum, their production releases toxins into the air. Plastic disposal through burning, landfilling, or recycling also pollutes air, land, and water.

Avoid single-use plastic items like water bottles, disposable cutlery, food packaging film, grocery bags, etc. Adopt reusable or environment-friendly options like stainless steel bottles, cutlery, biodegradable packaging, and paper or cloth bags.

5. Save Water

Many regions around the world face water scarcity, forcing people to survive on small quantities of water, often walking for miles to get it. What you can do as a step toward sustainable living is to avoid water overuse by:

  • Turning off the tap when brushing.
  • Installing low-flow shower heads and Ultra Low Flow (ULF) toilets.
  • Fixing leaks in the plumbing of your house.
  • Trying drip irrigation instead of sprinklers.
  • Using everything, from washing fruits and vegetables to watering plants.
  • Rainwater harvesting methods and surface runoff collection.

6. Eat Responsibly

Food production accounts for 30% of the total greenhouse emissions, and livestock rearing for food purposes alone contributes about 14.5% of these emissions. It also uses up 70% of the total freshwater resources and is the largest factor behind extinction threats for species. Shifting to a diet that is both healthy for you and the environment becomes important in this context.

In 2019, the EAT-Lancet Commission, comprising a group of scientists from fields like human health, economics, agriculture, and environmental sustainability, suggested a planetary health diet for sustainable living. This diet:

  • Focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, cereals, legumes, and unsaturated oils.
  • Limits the consumption of poultry and seafood.
  • Avoid red and processed meats, refined grains, added sugar, and starch-rich vegetables.

7. Contribute to Conservation Efforts

Participate in campaigns directed at the conservation of plant and animal species and fragile ecosystems. You may join local organizations that work for conservation activities like tree plantation drives, wildlife rehabilitation, cleaning water bodies, and helping indigenous communities.

8. Optimal Usage of Resources

Make a gradual switch to conscious consumerism, which means changing your buying behavior to achieve both personal well-being and the greater good. You can practice conscious consumerism by:

  • Buying eco-friendly alternatives to conventional products.
  • Choosing ethical brands that promote fair labor practices.
  • Going for products that aren’t tested on animals.

9. Educate Others

Living sustainably in harmony with nature is good, but what is even better is motivating others to embrace it. Encourage your family, friends, and colleagues at work to adopt a sustainable lifestyle by educating them about its impact on their and others' lives and the environment. You can also join an organization that creates awareness among the local population about sustainable lifestyles.

Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature: an Option or a Duty?

With so much that we receive from nature, doing our part to protect it could be seen as a duty that every responsible citizen should carry out. Start with gradual changes in your everyday life to adopt products and practices that are beneficial both for you and the environment.

Be an inspiration for others around you so that they can also appreciate the value of living sustainably in harmony with nature.

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Ar. Vinay Manchala Cropped.jpg

Ar. Vinay Manchala






