Published on January 23rd 2024

Effective Breathing Exercises for Easing Anxiety and Restoring Serenity

#Breathing exercises for anxiety

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Effective Breathing Exercises for Easing Anxiety and Restoring Serenity



Effective Breathing Exercises for Easing Anxiety and Restoring Serenity

Table of Contents


. Helpful breathing techniques for anxiety


. Deep Breathing exercises


. Breath focus


. Abdomen breathing


. Lion’s breath


. Yoga breaths


. Are there breathing exercises for anxiety attacks ?


. Box breathing


. 4–7-8 breathing


. Alternate nostril breathing


. Conclusion

When we observe someone in a state of anxiety, we frequently request that they slow their breathing. It has been established that exercising regulation over one's respiration unquestionably contributes to one's mental state.

However, this is very natural, and you need to know that you are not alone in facing anxiety.

Today’s hectic lifestyle has made almost everyone feel the same. At times, it transforms into an incessant disturbance of the ordinary course of existence, evoking emotions of disquiet, anxiety, and worry.

Nevertheless, one may undergo some of the breathing exercises for anxiety as well as depression for a more relaxed you.

Following this, you may soothe your mind and body and reduce the effects of stress and fear.

Helpful breathing techniques for anxiety

1. Deep Breathing exercises

Start doing deep breathing exercises for anxiety that allow you to activate your parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation.

One must do this exercise whenever they are on the verge of getting anxious.

To do this, start inhaling breath for a count of four and exhale through your mouth for a count of eight. Repeat this for a few minutes to get immediate help.

2. Breath focus

You can avoid allowing any unfavorable thoughts to divert your attention from your breath by using this breathing exercise.

Make sure to turn your phone silent and sit in a quiet place for 10–20 minutes to reap maximum benefits.

  • Close your eyes and breathe in through your nose.
  • While you breathe, you may repeat some set of words like “Let it go” or “This shall pass too.”
  • Then, breathe out.

In case your mind wanders around, bring it back to the exercise and repeat the words.

3. Abdomen breathing

This breathing exercise for anxiety facilitates the use of your diaphragm, allowing for deeper, more effective breathing.

  • To follow this exercise, put your hands on your stomach and your chest, respectively.
  • Make sure to keep your chest still.
  • Now, touch your tummy to feel its expansion when you take a deep breath.
  • Feel the contraction of your stomach with your palm as you release the breath.
  • Repeat this for 10 to 15 minutes to keep yourself calm.

4. Lion’s breath

Lion breath is one of the best breathing exercises for anxiety and depression.

It will release the tension from your face, throat, and chest.

  • To begin this exercise, place your hands on your knees and sit comfortably with your spine straight. Breathe in, open your mouth, and inhale.
  • Then extend your tongue and curve it in the direction of your chin.
  • Make a loud "ha" sound as you release the air. It ought to sound like the roar of a lion.
  • Repeating this only two or three times may help you feel relaxed.

5. Yoga breaths

Yoga has multiple benefits, and we all know about it.

This practice involves physical poses, breathing exercises, and meditation to promote good health.

There are many types of yoga breaths, including nadi shodhana, ujjayi, and kapalbhati.

Whether you want to balance your body and mind or just relax your anxiety level, practicing yoga breaths will help you to the greatest extent.

Are there breathing exercises for anxiety attacks ?

Yes, in addition to the above exercises, you may practice a few of the other breathing exercises that are beneficial if you get panic attacks. This includes:

1. Box breathing

This exercise helps regulate your breathing and helps you focus on your attention.

  • Sit with your back supported in a comfortable chair and your feet on the floor.
  • Close your eyes and then breathe in through your nose while counting to four slowly, feeling the air enter into your lungs hold your breath while counting slowly to four; try not to clamp your mouth or nose shut.
  • Slowly exhale for 4 seconds.
  • Wait 4 seconds, then.
  • Repeat steps 1 to 3 at least three times.

2. 4–7-8 breathing

This breathing exercise for anxiety helps you slow down your breathing and relax your nervous system.

  • Your back must be straight you sit comfortably.
  • Empty the lungs of air.
  • Breath in quietly through the nose for 4 seconds.
  • Hold the breath for a count of 7 seconds.
  • Exhale forcefully through the mouth, pursing the lips, and making a “whoosh” sound for 8 seconds.
  • Repeating the cycle up to 4 times.

3. Alternate nostril breathing

Alternate nostril breathing exercises help you balance your left and right brains. To open and close your nostrils, use your right thumb and right ring finger.

For four counts, close your right nostril with your thumb and breathe in through your left. After that, close your left nostril with your ring finger and release air through your right nostril for four counts.


Perhaps one or more of these breathing techniques can help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks you may be experiencing.

Consult your physician regarding potential treatments and the persistence or increase of your anxiety symptoms. You have the ability to regain control over your anxiety and a high quality of life with the proper strategy.

Reviewed by

Yashi Sonthalia Cropped.jpg

Yashi Sonthalia

Counseling Psychologist





